How did you feel about the episode “Brrap Brrap Pew Pew,” and did it change your opinion on Diane and/or Mr. Peanutbutter’s character?
How did you feel about the episode “Brrap Brrap Pew Pew,” and did it change your opinion on Diane and/or Mr. Peanutbutter’s character?
I don’t think this is really the most productive place to have a long back-and-forth conversation. I would point you to the above linked “Secular Pro-Life” which will take you to an index of answers to many common questions. I will agree with 99% of everything laid out on that website.
was excited thinking id found the day someone like this was not afraid to answer the difficult questions, like I definitely disagree with you but really want to know what the thinking behind all of it is
Use all the mental gymnastics you want, u/leftbrain-rightbrain - you’re still in favour of stripping rights from living women and turning us into second class citizens.