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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 29th, 2023


  • I specified “healthy” in this scenario in an attempt to inject nuance regarding what is medically described as “inevitable abortion” - a type of miscarriage, and other such circumstances. I don’t think this is the most productive place to have a long back-and-forth conversation, so I would direct you to the above linked “Rehumanize Intl” which will provide more information on the consistent life ethic. I believe in a consistent life ethic.

  • Just gonna pop in to downvote hell to say I’m pro-life and this episode did not change my views on anything either inside or outside of the show. It makes legitimate observations about the “panel of white men” talking about abortions. And the “brrap brrap pew pew” song was criticized as inappropriate within the show itself. I agree with all of that. I’m actually a little surprised the episode didn’t choose to target religion or Christianity specifically as a pro-life caricature. Which is good. I’m kind of tired of the two things being conflated.

    Overall, I think the episode told a reasonable story with reasonable criticisms. It’s one of the better representations of a truly pro-choice narrative out there right now, especially since the show also explores Princess Carolyn’s experiences with pregnancy and miscarriage and Sextina’s decision to keep her baby when she does get pregnant.

    I don’t agree with pro-choice philosophy because I believe that human life begins at conception and that no one has any right to deliberately end a healthy human life. I understand where pro-choice people are coming from, but I disagree fundamentally with the idea that a fetus is a woman’s property to do whatever she wants with, even though it relies on her body to survive.

    I’d actually be kind of an idiot to disagree with pro-choice philosophy without understanding it. And I think the episode does a good job of accurately representing it, within the context of an animated comedy tv show. If anyone is interested in hearing a reasonable and well-argued pro-life perspective, I recommend checking out Secular Pro-Life. And staying away from people who’s only argument is “because God said so.”