Why am I being downvoted for asking this?
No. She was vile
Who is this?
Honestly, I just think he looks like a dork here. Captain Plastic is not a frightening kinda guy
He’s full of shit too
His mother is still a Grade A asshole
I can’t even get through this episode because of the fringe factor
Justin and Nikki have just sat at the table with his friends. I cannot bear to hear Nikki tell them about prostituting herself
OMG Why, why the need for this full disclosure??? WHYYYYYYY
It’s so cringe
Oof x 2
Honestly, I don’t think so
If he had some extra cash, wouldn’t he have already shipped his mom out to a one bedroom or studio of her own?
AND get her pack-rat shit out of his place so he could clean up and prepare for the arrival of the Peruvian?
If he could truly afford it, why would he let his mother continue to sleep in the closet??? It makes ZERO sense.
How will he and his girlfriend have enough privacy/soundproofing to have sex?!?!
That he’s been fucking vacationing American broads for cash as an “island gigolo”
(He attempted to do this with her too, but disappointedly figured out that she’s broke)
Where did he get deported to?