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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2023

  • If you read the comics the only fatigue was some “are they dead?! NO THEY’RE ALIVE”. Although it wasn’t actually Allen that caused these issues.

    Invincible suffered from the opposite of what you fear the boys and Marvel are doing. The comic story was moving too fast and near the end it feels like Kirkman was trying to rush the series out the door. Think like GoT last seasons where you were getting whiplash from armies teleportating.

    Fatigue Is more a thing that happens when a show or series is going nowhere, or there is just too much of it. If we were getting 30 episodes a season it could happen, but 8 episodes 2-3 years apart? That’s not a big problem

  • William being in the closet was for jokes. There was never much depth to it other than forcing himself to date Atom Eve and Eve getting frustrated with him not even caring they broke up. flying him around princess style was kind of funny.

    Either way, it made sense back then why he was in the closet. Now it wouldn’t make sense.

  • The comic had a good premise but shit the bed at the ending. So I guess the twist was, “The Frontline was right the whole time, the new world order shadow government is out to get you, Carrick was actually the lesser of 2 evils” was basically force fed in the last issue. Carvers weird murder/suicide at the end made little sense unless he did it so the governments couldn’t get FX7. If it was the CIA and the government that fucked him up why did he kill Carrick?

  • I blame Amazon for basically packaging the Boys and Invincible together. I get why they did it, they’re clearly wanting to subvert the Super Hero genre. But let’s not compare apples to oranges. Also, the boys series is good, I have nothing but love for the team behind it, and the writers for making Chicken Salad out of chicken shit.

    Even when the Boys comic came out it was bad, aside from a few edgelords, no one ever said the Boys was a masterpiece. It was a carbon copy of Garth Ennis other anti-super hero, anti-U.S. exceptionalism edge lord British deconstruction of the genre that prevalent at the time with The Authority, No Hero, Super Gods, Irredeemable, Black Summer, Kick Ass, Nemesis etc. The Boys was never seen on the same level as the Authority for that matter, for a comic that parodied Superman from the justice league there were two glaring issues.

    1. The boys themselves are the same shameless Garth Ennis “Guy in black trenchcoat whos’ a badass and kills people with guns” Punisher rip offs that he throws in every fucking comic he does. He threw them in preacher, he threw them in the Crossed, and the entire boys cast is that some Trenchcoat edgelord played unironically straight forward. All his MC’s are Frank Castle
    2. Garth Ennis didn’t really write characters. He only writes two things, his power fantasy and his victims. That’s the entire summary of Garth Ennis’ entire run on comics except for maybe Punisher Max, there is some heart in that one. Ennis fucking hates Homelander. He goes out of his way to humiliate and shame the most interesting character in his comic who’s only interesting because he’s the “EVIL SUPERMAN TROPE”. Nobody gave a shit about Billy Butcher when the comic came out, and nobody gives a shit about him now. How many people do you know who think Homelander is the main character and not Billy Butcher?

  • Earth and Thraxa were marked for invasion but the idea is that he could take his sweet time if he wanted too. They mostly wanted Nolan to see if he could find a way to create more Viltrumites, and they’re never in a hurry for the most part. Nolan had a huge window to do it, but when Mark got his powers, suddenly the window was gone, and he had to do it immediately. If Nolan lived on Earth and managed to have child and he didn’t tell them or he died, they would call him a traitor/failure and kill him anyways. He’s supposed to get the planet ready for them, and they wouldn’t really give a shit if Nolan died in battle because they just think “well he’s dead, so he’s a failure, and not worthy of our respect” but they find sneaky shit like poisoning him in his sleep as unacceptable, and would unleash brutal retribution.