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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 2nd, 2023


  • Unlike Fight Club and American Psycho, I don’t think I’ve ever come across someone in the wild who liked Lolita because they identified with Humbert Humbert. I find it pretty bewildering that some people have such bad reading comprehension they take Lolita as some kind of romantic story about forbidden love.

    Personally I’m a huge fan of the novel and will definitely read it again. The disturbing parts are easily worth it, just like they are in Blood Meridian (the other novel in my personal top five with some really brutal scenes).

  • I don’t have one aside from the kind of obvious low-hanging fruit already mentioned in the OP, where there are clear ideological implications to the rating. People read for different reasons and have different standards, and someone loving a book that I consider poorly crafted or just too superficial for my own tastes doesn’t really say much about our compatibility in my experience.

    I was in a relationship with someone who had a drastically different taste in books for twelve years. Although we ended up separating eventually, we got along great, and I don’t think our tastes in literature hinted at any of the fundamental differences that made us break up.

    However, exchanging a few comments about Lolita on this post made me realize I’d be more likely to swipe left on someone for their one-star reviews (unless it was just a not-for-me indication for personal use, the way some people use goodreads). I’d have no problem dating someone who wasn’t interested in reading Lolita, for example, but I’d probably lose all interest if they genuinely tried to argue that it was a bad novel.