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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2023


  • Being ‘in shape’ is not the standard for attraction people think it is.

    This right here.

    To use a personal example: me.

    I’m fat. I’m also ugly- like, “my torso is lopsided and lumpy from the time I fuckin’ died horribly” levels of ugly. Like, the state gave me a Disfigurement Rating to serve as mathematical proof of how fuckin’ ugly I am. On top of all that, I’m also bald, yet at the same time hirsute, and covered in scars that if laid end to end would be taller than I am.

    And precisely none of these things have ever prevented me from finding a partner, sexual or otherwise. For a man my age, in my country, I’m significantly above the average number of partners. Being “in shape” stops being important pretty much the moment your brain stops being in Horny Monkey Grabby Hands mode.

    Bojack got his start doing comedy, and chicks dig a guy who can make them laugh. He’s also intelligent, and speaks eloquently- both are things that likewise draw people. On top of that, he craves validation to the point that he seeks out people who have “people pleaser” personalities- and when someone who people pleases and someone who craves being people-pleased connect, it’s a feedback loop where each person’s shitty behavior reinforces the other’s.

  • Judah is very clearly written as Autistic. And this scene proves it- any neurotypical guy who pulls something like this is being the stereotypical chauvinistic “women cannot make big decisions, so I will choose for her” type… but that wasn’t Judah’s motivation at all- he literally thought that the best way to support her was to take some of her burden off her plate- but because of the neurospicy, it didn’t occur to him to ask her about it. It’s the classic “I’m being helpful! :D” intentions.

    Now, here’s the real brilliance: the fact that Judah wasn’t being a Stereotypical Manly Man about it? doesn’t matter. His intentions did not matter. Only his actions mattered- and when his actions hurt her, she responded by firing him. As well she should.

    And when, later on, he has demonstrated that he has learned from his mistakes, then is when PC can trust him again.