I’m not sure whether or not it’s been talked about here but what do we think about when Judah went behind PC’s back and refused Charley’s proposal to buy VIM? Should he have told her? Would she had been better off if he had told her? Would it make PC even more miserable? And was PC right in firing him?

  • SaltpeterTaffy@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Every responsibility Judah failed, every betrayal he committed, every mistake he made in this scenario is under the purview of his job. His personal relationship to PC is completely irrelevant. PC firing Judah for his dereliction of duty was 100% justified.

  • No_Deer_7062@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    This is a tricky one - in Guy’s terms, he made an executive boyfriend decision while he was just her assistant. And as she said “if I can’t trust you, I can’t work with you” so he was in the wrong

    • BanditGoals@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      This is a good reminder to everyone: empower the people in your life to make their own decisions. Share your opinion when you feel strongly about something, but let them decide. It’s their life.

  • trashcandogoodthings@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I am SO GLAD you brought this up. I am on this sub a lot and rarely see it discussed (unless I’ve just missed it). To me, this is a huge betrayal. You’re my employee and you treat me like a child who can’t run the company I started? Add in the subtext of the audacity of a man to decide he’s a competent grown woman’s executive decision maker who can’t even be asked her opinion (because she’s too “emotional”) and to me, it’s extremely insulting and infantilizing. I cheered when PC stood up for herself and fired him, with a succinct but polite explanation, as, in my opinion, would be appropriate. Frankly I thought it was a measured, calm response- my poor emotional regulation would’ve resulted in me flipping shit.

    And then she goes back?? Oh, it’s ok honey, you know what’s best for me. I just thought it totally circumvented PC’s characteristic intelligence and self-reliance and then there were no consequences for Judah whatsoever. She couldn’t trust him, that was demonstrably proven, and then made a lifelong commitment of trust to him. It was a decision he made for her that altered the course of her career without even giving her the dignity of consultation and it’s never brought up again. It’s one of the things that bothers me about then resolution of PC’s story.

  • hbi2k@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It is 100% a betrayal and Judah is most definitely in the wrong, and I think one of the most major casualties of the rushed final season is that it’s never brought up again when PC hires Judah back or when they get married.

    I don’t think it’s an unforgivable betrayal necessarily, but for it to be forgiven, Judah would have to have realized, on reflection, that it was wrong, and he’d have to verbalize that realization to get. And I’d like to think that he does come to that realization, but if he does, we as the audience don’t get to see it. The last time it is addressed, he is still defending it, and so for all we or PC know, he still thinks it was acceptable and there’s a very real possibility that the same thing happens again the next time he thinks he knows better than she does what is best for her.

  • ScaredofSkeletons@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    it’s one of those things where he made a choice that probably was best for princess caroline in the sense that she would have probably sold to Charlie and she would’ve hated it afterwards (potentially) but was still wrong because he went behind her back and betrayed her trust. he probably saw it as a sound decision at the time, thinking he could save her suffering in the long run, but ultimately making her feel powerless and betrayed in their relationship and not speaking honestly with her was probably worse. i feel like the show might have framed the firing a bit poorly iirc, but that might just be because he’s shown as largely calm which is typically a signifier in media of a morally superior person, can’t say for sure if that was what’s intended.

    • okbommer_@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      I guess the title did sound a bit dramatic haha I didn’t know what to put on there

  • prdcroftme@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    i think ab this a bit ngl. it was completely fair and right of pc to fire him, despite the fact it was just… sad to see.

  • captain_borgue@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Judah is very clearly written as Autistic. And this scene proves it- any neurotypical guy who pulls something like this is being the stereotypical chauvinistic “women cannot make big decisions, so I will choose for her” type… but that wasn’t Judah’s motivation at all- he literally thought that the best way to support her was to take some of her burden off her plate- but because of the neurospicy, it didn’t occur to him to ask her about it. It’s the classic “I’m being helpful! :D” intentions.

    Now, here’s the real brilliance: the fact that Judah wasn’t being a Stereotypical Manly Man about it? doesn’t matter. His intentions did not matter. Only his actions mattered- and when his actions hurt her, she responded by firing him. As well she should.

    And when, later on, he has demonstrated that he has learned from his mistakes, then is when PC can trust him again.

  • KieranKitten44@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    He did the wrong thing for the right reasons. He was looking out for her, her was trying to help, he only had the best of intentions… But it still wasn’t right of him to lie and make the choice for her.