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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2023

  • It’s hilarious to me that people in warm places think the 50s is cold. In Michigan, it gets down to 50 and everyone thinks it’s nice out and you see people in shorts and stuff. 🤣

    I understand it’s just what we’re used to. It’s just funny to me. I had a friend from San Diego and he thought we were all insane because he said it was freezing and it was like 50 out. After the sub zero, under several feet of snow winter lifts, if it’s above like 30 degrees, we get all excited. Lmao.

  • I totally agree that we aren’t one to talk about lack of sex education but that girl had to be extra stupid because we learn about STDs even without sex ed. HIV, maybe, depending on if her parents were still stuck in the 80s and early 90s. There was a point in time, not too long ago, where the general public worldwide was not sure how HIV spread beyond “bodily fluids”. There was an idea that only gay people got it and that saliva was one of the body fluids it came from meaning people thought kissing was a way you could get it. Things started to change when Ryan White was sick and passed and Magic Johnson was diagnosed because people bothered to learn exactly how it was transmitted.

    But that misconception on how it was transmitted was common across the world at the time. Straight people thought it was a “gay thing”and didn’t bother learning about it. There wasn’t all the awareness there is now. So maybe her parents instilled that in her.

    Our big issue with lack of sex education is that kids are not taught about birth control or how exactly you get pregnant beyond sex. Those areas have higher teen pregnancy and abortion rates; not higher STD rates.