How did you feel about the episode “Brrap Brrap Pew Pew,” and did it change your opinion on Diane and/or Mr. Peanutbutter’s character?
How did you feel about the episode “Brrap Brrap Pew Pew,” and did it change your opinion on Diane and/or Mr. Peanutbutter’s character?
I used to be pro-life, and you’re entitled to your views. With that said, I have two questions.
Is there any scenario besides motherhood where you would force someone to use their body to sustain the life of another person?
Do you think making abortion illegal would be the most effective way to reduce the number of abortions, and if you do, would that be worth the harm to women that would likely result from making abortion illegal?
To me, it’s not so much about cutting off support as it is about directly harming the fetus which does not fall into the bodily autonomy category anymore. However, if the afformationed support was temporary, denying it would otherwise result in death and you knew it could possibly happen, then yes.
Yes, it does actually reduce abortions drastically. Harm to women can occur in legal abortions as well and if abortions go down overall, the risk of harm by unsafe abortions pretty much balances out the risk of many more safe abortions. Not to speak of the fetus. Harm done to them is also important and thereby gets reduced.
I don’t think this is really the most productive place to have a long back-and-forth conversation. I would point you to the above linked “Secular Pro-Life” which will take you to an index of answers to many common questions. I will agree with 99% of everything laid out on that website.
Use all the mental gymnastics you want, u/leftbrain-rightbrain - you’re still in favour of stripping rights from living women and turning us into second class citizens.
was excited thinking id found the day someone like this was not afraid to answer the difficult questions, like I definitely disagree with you but really want to know what the thinking behind all of it is
Not the guy, but I’ve got roughly the same ideas :
Good job completely missing the point of the first question. CPR doesn’t require your body, it requires your actions. If someone required your bone marrow or blood to live, you have every right to deny them - why do women not have that same right?