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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2023


  • Granuailie or however you spell it from the Iron Druid series. She in an unbearable holier than thou backstabbing atrocity of a person that caused the whole series to go downhill and crash and burn in the final book. So much so that I can’t recommend the series to anyone knowing where it is headed, even though up until book 5 I fairly enjoyed it.

  • Sorry but the maths example is wrong. The subject is irelevant, it is allways about the teacher. I have more fond memories about subjects I did’t like that much that had a good teacher vs a subject that in itself would interest me, but taught by a bad teacher (boring, unfair or psychopatic). Some kids don’t like any subject, but if the whole class hates maths then the problem isn’t with the kids…

  • School ruined books for me fullstop, because the compulsory curriculum is made up of things that are agony for me to read. Would never choose them and if so I’d DNF, but no, you have to power trough because there will be a test and essay about it. Ot took me years to then realise that I actually like reading, because I like stories. It is just that Anna Karenina isn’t very compelling to a 13 year old boy. I wouldn’t read it not 20 years later either. A whole chapter about cutting grass and the most memorable part was when a horse got its entrails entangled during parkour or a race and had to be put down. No thanks!

  • Well, the classic Czech book Dobrý vojak švejk, the good soldier Svejk, just sort of ends mid sentence and honestly it made me probably just angry that I didn’t DNF like 500 ago when I stopped enjoying it. It keeps going and going, the same arbitrary pointless style and then it just ends. Maybe if there were some kind of point to it at the end I’d be able to recommend it, but as is, I don’t. Or, I say just quit whenever you stop liking it, because it never gets better.

  • I feel like that is his thing, and most people give great ratings riding that climax and tend to forget the slog in the middle. I had that feeling already with Mistborn, that’s why I don’t even bother with stormlight. The fact that you used the word climax makes me think of it being a relationship where both partners are bored, have little in common, but have great sex which makes them temporarily forget all the bad.