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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 29th, 2023

  • Not the guy, but I’ve got roughly the same ideas :

    1. Yes, if you find a person in cardiac arrest on the side of the road and know how to perform CPR I expect you to do it, if you don’t, I expect you to be sued for not helping somebody in distress. But that has nothing to do with maternity, because maternity is not something that falls on you unexpectedly (except in the rare case of rape, which imho is one of the only justification for abortion), pregnancy occurs after sexual relations. The two are absolutely unseparable, and despite modern contraception, each time you have sex, you know well and implicitely consent to the 0,5% risk of becoming pregnant/a father. It is a mistake of modern society to separate the two because one is the near-unavoidable and higly-predictable consequence of the other and there should be campaigns to remind people of that fact and that there if you do have sex, you may be responsible for the well-being of somebody new quite soon.
    2. Yes, in the same way that making murder illegal is the first step to preventing murder. If taking care of your senile and demented grandmother causes you immense psychological harm (mental health of caretakers is a major cause of concern in elderly patients with neurodegenerative pathologies) it still isn’t a good reason to shoot her. Of course, I make a distinction between medically-justified abortions (including psychiatric health of the mother) and voluntary abortions, which is the subject here. But yes, the literal lives of thousands of people are worth the cost of certain women being hurt by the pregnancy. This does not mean women shoudn’t be accompanied through pregnancy and offered help and a way to give up their babies safely after birth, that should be the goal of planned parenthood and would avoid most dangerous clandestine abortions.