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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • Part of the difference is, each version of a book is formatted separately, and one of the things I’ll let other readers know about is any issues I had with my chosen version, Kindle editions. Many reviewers I follow on Goodreads will do similar, that’s where I learned it was a good idea. I’ve really appreciated this if I read a book, particularly when scene breaks are poorly distinguished, or a break is missing.

    AUDIOBOOKS! Warning: soapbox:

    All versions of written stories involve consuming those stories, all versions are valid. Let’s just stop being ableist about it, please. If you can’t see, you read via audiobooks, okay? Okay. Plus, it doesn’t have to be an ability problem; if you spend a lot of time traveling, same deal! When someone reads a story aloud, it’s from the written version.

    end: soapbox

    Oh, a friend of mine calls reading audiobooks “ear-reading.” Feel free to steal if that fits your experience.

  • terriaminute@alien.topBtoBooksDo you always read sequels?
    10 months ago

    Me continuing to read a series is entirely dependent on 1) how well the author did in book 1 and 2) how well the second one has done with other readers.

    The older I get, the less patience I have with some writers’ habits, such as over-describing things that don’t matter, poor editing before publication, repeating facts I’m having no trouble remembering in the first place, one or more characters reading as uninteresting, stupid actions by supposedly smart characters, and so on. I can’t remember which it was, by I eventually finished the not-great book one of a loooong series, then perused reviews of following books, read a sample here and there–and this author had not gotten any better, over years. That’s just tragic.

  • I think each of us has a different brain and a different life and issues diagnosed and undiagnosed and life pressures and so on and so forth.

    For instance, my brother did not like to read when he was in school. His teachers asked Mom to send anything he’d read with him to school, so he read comics. Turned out, he is dyslexic.

    Instead of judging others who are not like you, try reading about people who are unlike you, and learn to let others be as they are. There are reasons. Those reasons are none of your business.

    Also, you will never, ever “make” anyone read something just because you want them to, if they dislike reading. All that does is alienate people. I imagine you already know that.