I feel bad. But I find my self rooting against Paige Sinclair and for BoJack when I should be clearly rooting against BoJack. Anyone agree ?

  • itsjoeveryall@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    wether it’s intentional or unintentional, i think it shows how in today’s world we find ourselves rooting for shitty people no matter what

    like everyone’s at each other’s throats. but nobody really has the upper hand, cuz we’re all such shitty people.

  • jaromir39@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Me too. BoJack is flawed, but the show is built around the premise that we see his perspective and don’t want him to fall and fail. Some of best shows on TV use this idea (Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Mad Men). Besides, at the time when Paige Sinclair starts her investigation, we see BoJack changing for the better and we don’t yet know all the details about what happened with Sarah Lynn.

    But we all love Paige Sinclair. Of course we do, everybody loves Paige Sinclair.

    • Noimnotareddituser@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      I feel the same but its mostly because I find her really annoying. Plus the show is just so good at making people empathize for the bad guy, by giving us most of the context and showing him bettering himself. So its hard not to kinda root against Paige in that scenario.

  • Bacon-Vodka@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    No, I don’t agree.

    I’m not going to act like Paige Sinclair is never annoying, but she reminds the audience that Bojack is still responsible for the many, many, many ways he hurt other people, particularly women. It’s great that he is trying to turn his life around at the same time Paige is starting her investigation, but you know who *can’t* just turn their lives around at that time? Penny. Gina. Sarah Lynn. Penny and Gina are still dealing with the trauma Bojack gave them, and Sarah Lynn is dead. So no, I don’t root for Bojack over Paige Sinclair. That’s just how I feel.

  • Jadefeather12@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I understand why you’d feel that way about her, it almost feels unfair considering bojack finally got his act together. Personally I don’t agree though, and I really loved her character she made me laugh (the guy obsessing over her can kick rocks though he was SO annoying)

  • DaveTheDolphin@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It’s kind of by design imo

    BoJack is the “protagonist” of the story. He is the main attraction of the show. And at that point of the story, it felt like we just got past the climax and into the falling action where we see the results of all the struggle we’ve watched through each season. A happily ever after of sorts.

    But then Paige Sinclair turns up in comedic over the top fashion and threatens (and later succeeds) to destroy that “happy” end.

    But as we all know, BoJack really did hurt others without external consequence. Morally, it wouldn’t be right for him to just walk away like that

  • TrickNatural@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    She annoyed me as well. I wanted both things tbh. Paige to fail but that Bojack gets the comeupance he deserved somehow in a diferent scenario. But I guess you cant have it both ways.

  • pineapple_lipgloss@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    TL;DR: Narratively, it totally makes sense to root for Bojack, bc he’s the protagonist, and we’re led to want things to go well for him, regardless of his actions or what we actually think of him. But if you mean you genuinely root against Paige, I think you’re underestimating the immense role she plays in Bojack’s s6 development and the way she brings out his most significant flaws as a person.

    If you mean narratively, sure. It’s pretty natural to automatically root for the protagonist of the work – Bojack expertly wields that against its viewers in all six seasons. I think that’s the point of Paige Sinclair and the way Bojack’s “redemption” plotline plays out.

    If the show were called Penny Carson, for instance, Bojack “redeeming” himself and never facing the consequences of his actions would feel terrible before, during, and after the episode. But bc we’ve been w Bojack for five and a half seasons by the time we even meet the reporters, so we’re primed to root for him and against them, even though we know he’s done some awful, unforgivable things. I think we all collectively went “oh NO” during the second interview, even though we know Bojack deserves to be exposed, bc Bojack is the protagonist, and being a protagonist is more important to us than being a hero.

    However, if you mean you root against her genuinely – bc she’s “annoying” or whatever (I’ve never gotten this, she’s my absolute favorite character) – then no, that’s not normal. Paige Sinclair is definitely a lot of things, and you can even make some extremely solid arguments against her as a person. For instance, her complete lack of empathy for Bojack’s victims, as evidenced by her willingness to hound Penny abt the most traumatic event of her young life, all in service of her “scoop.” Paige overall is clearly more interested in the excitement of chasing a story than she is in what the story actually is – a somber tale of a man repeatedly taking advantage of younger women and even girls and getting away w it bc he’s a celebrity.

    But she is, still, the person who brings Bojack’s abuses to light. And even though she and Bojack never meet face to face, she still breaks his delusions more thoroughly than any other person in the series, except Diane and Hollyhock. She teaches him that the world doesn’t revolve around him, that even if he becomes a better person, he still hasn’t redeemed himself, bc the ppl he’s hurt are still hurt, and always will be. Sarah Lynn is dead, and Penny and Gina will carry the memory of what he did to them for the rest of their lives. He doesn’t get to escape that and live out this cool, hip theater professor fantasy just bc he went to rehab.

    And he proves that his change is conditional the moment things get hard again. Princess Carolyn says herself, (paraphrased) “this works, but it’s so precarious.” And in the same episode, Todd rebuts Bojack’s claims that he shouldn’t be held responsible for his actions bc he’s changed: “Are you sure? Because this sounds like Old Bojack.” (Said while Bojack is, once again, yelling abt how persecuted he is when ppl want to hold him accountable for his actions.)

    In (I believe) s6e3, Bojack describes rehab as being like “summer camp.” It’s easy, and it feels good, but eventually he’ll have to return to the real world, and it’s much harder to be a good person and stay sober out there. Once Bojack leaves rehab, he actually gets to stay in summer camp for a bit – he lives out this fantasy of turning into a new person, with new clothes, who cares abt and does nice things for the ppl around him, and even puts effort into his relationships. But he can’t keep pretending, forever, that he’s really changed without seeing consequences for his actions, and Paige is the one who really makes him see that.

  • Radiohead78@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I don’t know why but I literally can’t stand her!! I know she’s trying to bring justice to BoJack’s victims and rightfully so but the character annoys the shit out of me. I have to fast forward her scenes during rewatches.

  • Randomkai27@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    A lot of people hate on Page Sinclair but I absolutely loved her character and role in the story.

    Her over-the-top performance contrasts the depressing reality of what she’s there to do.

    We all knew that eventually some reporter/paparazzi type would expose Bojack, but I never expected it be a classic “classy reporter” character…made funnier by the fact that she’s from Fresno and doesn’t HAVE to be like that.

  • Madame_TrashHeap@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I mean, people still rooted for Walter White as he became a worse and worse person. Some people unfortunately sympathize with abusers. I initially rooted for him in the same way Bojack rooted for his mom to be a better person, but now that the show’s over and I’ve matured, I realize that he’s never going to learn or improve. He deserved to be exposed. He groomed and molested a child (Penny). He groomed Sarah Lynn and killed her through neglect. If he was given access to another young girl, he’d probably do it again. He’s unforgivable.

    • One_Context9796@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      when did he molest penny? bojacks not a good person but he surely didn’t MOLEST her. that is a huge stretch of the word.

    • Throwaway392308@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      I do genuinely believe he’s trying to do better and I feel like he demonstrates that, for example being seen as cool at the frat party and it depresses him instead of him seeing it as an opportunity to bathe in the limelight and potentially score with a college girl. But at the end of the day he still deserves to be held accountable for his past.

  • WellWellWellthennow@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Because Paige is an antagonist and is flawed herself, threatening (successfully) BoJack’s world to bring him down. She has the flawed anti hero trying to undo the flawed anti hero.

  • Known-Disaster-4757@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    The question is, does a redeemed Bojack, who helps others, deserve to be punished for actions he did in the past? It’s subjective.