To me even since Happily Ever After she’s been really really let down by Asuelu and his family are willing to have them live in poverty because of their own expectations.

Sure there are cultural expectations and things, but surely if you know your grandchildren would suffer because of the amount of money you’re asking for you’d either dial it back or not ask at all.

Sure Kalani teams up with her sister but I think it’s because she feels utterly unheard in her relationship. Can you blame her? Asuelu and her don’t have the same love language at all and they have a huge barrier in terms of language and culture.

Just my thoughts.

  • shiaddup@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I think they’re angling to get a spinoff like Pedro and Chantal. Drag this break-up/make up storyline for years to come…meanwhile those kids are going to eventually see/read/teased about it before long. Can’t stand either of them.

  • stacieo@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I love Kalani and after what he did to her - get that bag girl!! Drag this Sh*t show out for the $$$.

  • moonpuddding@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I don’t feel fond of her but I feel sad for her and I hope things go better in the future. I was indifferent and wondering why she stayed until she revealed the SA in the relationship. Now I get that she was an inexperienced virgin who got trapped by a rapist. I really hope putting it out into the open gives her the family support she needs to get out. Really don’t think they were aware, nor would they let her stay in that situation.

  • The_Crystal_Thestral@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I don’t dislike her but I dislike what she’s doing right now and the narrative she keeps trying to trot out on social media after an episode airs. Specifically, I’m referring to the strip club episode and then the boy/girl math post she created afterward. If the timeline on the show is accurate, she hooked up with her side piece before the guys went to the strip club. I do think it’s wrong that Asuelu cheated on her (feel like I need to include that for the 12 year olds who don’t understand that we’re talking about Kalani on this post) but she also lost the moral high ground this past episode. She’s clearly over the marriage. There is no salvaging it now. However, she’s being as shady as he is and now she’s down in the mud alongside him.

    • AdBitter9802@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      She’s crazy… honestly super manipulative and she’s throwing her kids dad under the bus to justify her cheating and moving on to the hall pass. Most recent episode I’m watching right now. She literally asked him to do the divorce like immediately. She wants a divorce she can move on with her new man. Like she left the husband and kids at the marriage resort and f’d her hall pass… wtf kind of behaviour is this?! That’s why she keeps trying to distract everyone by the never ending bashing of asuelu, so we can’t focus on the shit she’s doing

  • x_scion_x@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I just think she’s an ass as well after how they started on their first season.

    She brought him here and then essentially made sure her family hated him, so he had to live with a bunch of people that openly hated him because his wife constantly talked shit on him and then wondered why he essentially checked out of the relationship isolated and stuck with a bunch of people that didn’t like him.

    They are both douchebags and I’m not going to pretend one is good just because the other is worse

  • swca712@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I love Kalani. I always root for the women that finally figure out they can leave shitty men. I honestly hope we do see her on e season of The Single Life, she deserves happiness.

    I hope just because this Dallas guy was nice to her she won’t immediately get engaged/married to him. You gotta find yourself girl.

  • Messypotatoe@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I so dislike Kalani for so many reasons. Ppl keep bringing up the Mormon religion however her sister and brother seems to be very open and normal and they grew up in SoCal so I don’t think religion is to blame for Kalani poor choices in life. Kalani and Asuleu never really had a solid relationship, if you look at their YT video on how they meant, they have only hung out for barely 2 weeks broke up and meet again for 2 weeks. In the LDR I just don’t know how Kalani could have a conversation with Asuleu about any kind of future. Asuleu is who he is, a simple person and has the maturity of a teen and he’s never presented himself any other way. Kalani on the other hand carries herself as being smarter, responsible and more mature when in reality Kalani is she’s just another women who got pregnant by her vacation hook up of 2 weeks. She didn’t want to be a single mom even though her family were fine with her being one. Which shows how judgmental Kalani has on single moms especially since she used to work in teen mom group home. She thought she could mold a guy to be like her dad which is the most toxic and controlling thing a person can do in a relationship. Now she’s in her 30’s with 2 kids taking advantage of her family to help her out with childcare all while she’s chasing young dick and blaming Asuleu for everything. She needs to focus on her kids and herself

  • Fresh-Ad7925@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I’ve personally never been a fan of Kalani. I don’t find her funny or entertaining, mostly just very sad. I also think there’s really no mystery to her relationship and what she stays: low self-esteem and naïveté (at least at the beginning). It’s just not an interesting relationship dynamic to watch and she adds nothing in terms of entertainment (btw Asuelu is even worse… just so boring).

    • DirtyDawg13@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      She definitely thinks she’s hot. I gagged when she talked about Hall Pass giving her oral.

  • Zedark@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I just don’t like her character honestly, I hate the way she acts and the way she changes her story all the time, she’s always acting so smug on the last resort too, always trying to get funny one liners in and “zingers”. I hate Asuelu even more though, she should have gotten rid of him the first time he cheated on her. But just because I don’t like her doesn’t mean I’m on his side in the whole thing. The lights aren’t all on at his house is the thing, he’s a full on moron.

    It’s the drip feeding of the story that’s the issue for me. Every time the public sentiment doesn’t go her way or the group sentiment on the last resort she changes her story. If what she’s saying about him is true, she should have gone to the police when it happened.

  • YugeMalakas@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Her family was trashing Ausuelo before they even married. After they married, Kalani and her family continued to bad mouth him. Every problem in the relationship was his fault. While still married, Kalani and her sister gossiped about how he was lousy in bed. He never stood a chance. She even denied him interaction with new friends he made at volleyball. Ausuelu was set up to fail because he was never viewed as good enough.