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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 9th, 2023


  • Ill-WeAreEnergy40@alien.topBto90 Day FianceJasmine is FUNNY!!!
    11 months ago

    Me too. Sometimes I get angry with her, but I feel like I know it’s just an emotional regulation thing-for the most part.

    I could pick apart those 2 forever, but then done new twist & turn comes along. I’ve got to factor that in, then.

    How she was standing up for others in an authentic, genuine & believable way (imo), even though as usual red flags were going everywhere like fireworks in the 4th of July!

    Turns out she should be a stand up comic, or the writers really really ought to be nominated for some comedy awards on something!

  • I’ve been posting other comments that wonder about being able to leave or drink so I’m so excited to finally get an insider to answer that for me. Thanks!! I finally know a little better that it’d be incredibly hard to drink.

    So if he couldn’t leave, he’d have to pack a crap ton of alcohol. I’d say he could get sloppy if he did that, but he strikes me as the type that drunk is more normal than being not drunk. Nobody can tell with them as easily.

  • Yes, but he also encouraged and egged them all on to go to a strip club for a man who’s a serial cheater. In the end, as good as a friend as he may appear, he just wants to have a party all the time.

    If he was a good friend, he’d not mention staring at naked women to Asuelo. He wouldn’t be encouraging them to go out to strip clubs and lie to their wives. He wouldn’t have called Michael even once knowing how Angel would react.

    I think Jovi thrives in male company as one of the “good old boys” and wanted to create a “good old joy” time cuz he’s selfish

  • Learn the rituals! Why didn’t get & TJ discuss the process with all the rituals?

    Or why not hire a translator that sticks by your side-at least for the ceremony! It amazes me how many of these couples get married only in a language they don’t know, no translator or anything.

    I’m watching this episode now & had to find this post: it’s true-she’s just miserable.

    It’s all within her control. She could’ve researched, discussed, or had a transistor.

    Side note: her parents really are gems! You know her dad wouldn’t be able to act if they asked him to, he’s too genuine. The mom too. Must be from the Midwest lol……jk.

  • Definitely D-she’d be a blast!! I’d get a makeover & learn to dance!! She’d give me a boost if confidence, we’d share our stories and she’d want to fight all my demons at the end cuz yea, she’s crazy.

    At the same time I think she’d be an extremely loyal friend, she’d never let you fight your battles alone, she’d be honest with you, etc,

    Hey Jasmine, I’m in Wisconsin. Come see a Packer game with me 😆😆😆! I’ve got tickets to Vikings game, join me!

  • Ill-WeAreEnergy40@alien.topBto90 Day FianceJasmine is FUNNY!!!
    11 months ago

    I think we’re going to see a new side to her.

    Now that she’s under a little less pressure. I hope. She is funny, that’s some bust out laughing comedy she’s putting out.

    Yea, they’re definitely doing a Gino Jasmine spin off. They’re too quirky & she’s too chaotic, surprising & straight from brain to mouth in a funny & startling way.

    If she can’t keep her act together they’ll be straight to last resort though. Cuz….got keep that as a new spin off 😏

  • I’m sorry you had to go through that, it couldn’t have been pleasant. Idk if your dad’s drinking ever got to the really sloppy drunk day after day stage, but even if it didn’t-watching a family member with an addiction is hard.

    My dad got stage 1 cirrhosis and somehow quit. It didn’t matter though. 14 months later he found out he had lung cancer, and he died 6 weeks later. We’d just finally started to reconnect as a family, which I’m grateful for. We had a great beginning & a great end with him.

  • It’s so hard to say “enough” when you need to-so bravo to her!! She probably helped save his life by leaving. It for sure helped him get to his rock bottom faster. It’s ok if he lived in his truck for 6 months-he’s sober now, probably partially due to that as well.

    It’s very hard. Before getting deported because of it, my husband fell into alcoholism. He hadn’t seen his parents in 13 years and turned to the bottle. We’d try to get him to leave & he wouldn’t.

    I’m so glad he’s chosen to become sober! Hopefully he’ll be able to be a part of his child’s life. Your daughter did what was necessary, and she’s going to have to pay close attention-because when an alcoholic slips of course they hide it, but it seems like he’s on a better path now.

  • I feel like Gwen actually does call Jovi out on his bs. Maybe I missed something, but I feel like she calls out Jovi when necessary & she calls out Yara when necessary.

    As far as her parenting: my mom was basically a helicopter mom, but I still figured ways to sneak out as a kid. I’d go to my best friend’s house to sleep over. Her mom didn’t pay attention very well.

    I don’t think it’s necessarily a parenting issue. Teens rebel.

  • Awww……I’m glad he started calling. I hope he sticks with it, because after 12 years it’d suck for him to start developing a relationship just to throw it away.

    My oldest daughter is 19 & her father still has never had contact.

    Alcoholics can hide their problem really well sometimes. Until they can’t anymore. They definitely have had a lifestyle change, and I think that Yara definitely loves Jovi. I think Jovi loves Yara but is selfish. And an alcoholic.

    It’d be nice if they could figure it out. Yara seems so sweet, imo, she deserves to be treated well. Him going to a strip club while they’re in this intensive therapy thing is bs