As someone who recently was forced to break up with the love of their life because of sex addiction, I am genuinely getting something valuable out of the Last Resort. I realize it’s trash, it’s completely wild they encourage the cast to drink on a ‘therapy retreat’, the therapists themselves are hacks, and a ton of it is scripted.

However, watching Asuelu’s behavior, which might typically be excused away as normal shitty masculinity, be described as the result of a serious addiction, and seeing someone as beautiful as Yara ask herself the same exact questions I’ve asked myself for 4+ years over & over again, has been both triggering and very helpful for me personally. I’m sending my best hopes that both Yara and Kalani realize their inherent worth and make the best decisions for THEMSELVES at this point. I’m also hoping other people out there watching the show in similar situations realize 1) sex addiction is as real as any other addiction and 2) they deserve happiness and to be in control of their lives.

Guess that’s why they call it the learning channel 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • coreysgal@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I don’t know enough about sex addiction to know if there are emotional or chemical reasons behind it, but it does exist. My husband and I had a very good, active sex life the first three years of our marriage. One day, I came home unexpectedly while he was out back with the dog. I see a half-naked woman on the computer. Turns out he had put up an ad for an affair. I was stunned. His response was that it was nothing. He was bored and just messing around. Shortly after, the shutting down the computer when I walked in started. He thought I was not computer literate, lol. I started digging and found dating profiles on various sex sites. I’d confront him, and he would tell me he didn’t know how it got there. We went to therapy. He would tell me, " You just don’t want to let me talk to people," huh? You talk to people about gardening or hobbies, not to meet for sex lmao. There were always promises to stop. We’d argue. He’d move out. Beg to come back a month later. I knew this wasn’t normal, and he refused to see it. Eventually, he agreed to see a neurologist for his ADD. He was also diagnosed as bi polar at that time. The medication finally ended his constant sex obsession. So was his sex addiction a chemical imbalance? I don’t know. Did it clear his head enough to realize that a short, balding, overweight guy wasn’t going to be pulling in hot babies for random sex? Lol. I don’t know that either. All I do know is that it made me feel unattractive, unloved, unable to trust him, and angry that he thought I was stupid enough to buy his stories. He broke my heart for sure. I put too much effort into trying to understand and should have left sooner. I have no proof that he actually ever met anyone, but ultimately, I didn’t care if he was screwing everyone in the neighborhood. All I ever got was one " sorry," and that wasn’t enough for me to stay.

    • lanegrita1018@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      This is so sad but I thought this story was gonna get so dark when you said “I found him out back with the dog”😂

    • BlouseBarn@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      I don’t think it was sex addiction but hypersexuality fueled by mania (source: I also have bipolar, though I have hypomania rather than full-on mania).

      • Similar-Narwhal-231@alien.topB
        11 months ago

        Second this as someone who was cheated on by a non-medicated bipolar II ex husband.

        Literally only cried for a week for that loser then moved on with my life.

    • CarliBoBarli@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      I’m so sorry. Regardless of whether or not your former George Costanza looking mother fucker physically cheated, it prob doesn’t matter. He was a sex addict, liar, cheater, and dirt bag. Period.