Why wouldn’t he? He sees her as a pet.
what could possibly make you think that? even considering the pet thing, do you go around taking in every stray cat you see?
Uh, no. If you have a pet you love, you stay with it and take care of it. You don’t avoid it and go around cuddling with every animal you see.
Probably not. Even if you wanna take what he said about Debbie at face value, an affair would just risk compromising his cover and sway on Mark.
He doesn’t really see her as a pet. He was trying to convince himself as much as Mark.
No, he clearly didn’t.
He loves debbie like truly. He was lying to himself
His entire conversations with Mark was him trying to convince himself
No he did not. Completely contrary to what he said to Mark, Nolan really did love Debbie as a person and an equal. He was trying to convince himself otherwise, not Mark.
He does not literally see her as a pet. He was comparing their relationship to the one a human might have with a pet relative to their lifespans. Nolan loves Debbie more than he revealed in that conversation.
He loves Debbie and Mark that’s why he didn’t kill Mark he didn’t see potential that he would listen to him he just admired his son