I know it’s just a show but I actually feel bad for her so dones anybody know if there’s like a good or at least neutral ending for her?

  • Xx_crow_crow_xX@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I think that wasn’t really revealed in the show.

    During season 6 she is working on a film with director Justin Kenyon, and due to the workplace incident we see her struggle with PTSD on set as her costar does an unscripted scene. Afterwards we see Justin try to console Gina- he is partially successful, but you can see he is exhausted by having to placate her.

    In a later conversation- Kelsey Jannings is chosen to direct fireflame. While having a conversation with Kenyon she asked about Gina- where he stated that he couldn’t recommend her for the role especially if there are a lot of stunts.

    Later on we do see Gina in a billboard for fireflame as lead actress. However- and this is a big however- we don’t actually know how she is doing. We don’t know if she gets help, how well the movie did, etc. etc.

    She is fine in the way that she continues to get work, because she is great on camera- but we don’t really see if she continually gets work. Just like how when Bojack ran away and they used AI to generate him in the movie, a similar situation could have happened with Gina- especially if she had a massive breakdown on or off set. And to further that- we have no actual way to tell if it’s actually Gina because it could be AI and she signed away her rights.

    I assume that she is fine. But it’s honestly up to your interpretation, per the ending of the series.

  • VonDinky@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Hopefully she will spend the rest of her days on unimportant nonsense, and eventually, she’ll be dead. :)

  • tcarter1102@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Not really. Her career does alright but the trauma causes her mental health to be severly damaged, leading her to act out in ways that alienate some people she works with. It severly changes her personality for the worst. In my headcanon she gets therapy and eventually gets to a healthier place. But no. End of series, she is depicted as really not okay.

    • Longjumping_Dust@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      It’s one of the places where I would’ve loved a few more episodes to really process the fallout of all of Bojacks story coming to light

      I think Kelsey realized what Gina went through and reached out to her. That’s why in the final episode (or second to last) you see Gina is starting in the movie Kelsey is making despite her having been warned she’s difficult to work with. But I really would have loved to see that play out.

  • Sparklingemeralds@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I saw that you were okay with being spoiled, so here it goes:

    She’s okay. She ends up with other acting work, although there is a scene where she is dancing and her coworker places his hand on her neck. This was not in the script and Gina falls down and freaks out. She gets upset and ties it to workplace safety and walks out of the set. The director tries to get her to stay as they’re late and over budget, and Gina says she doesn’t care. The other actor is left annoyed at Gina’s reaction.

    Unfortunately, Gina is still traumatized by her events with BoJack. She is still a successful actor though, which is what she wanted. Her trauma makes her look like a difficult actor to work with, but in reality she’s freaking out bc of the choking incident and she can’t tell anyone about it.

    There is a poster in the background for the movie Fireflame and she’s on it, so that means she’s still working and has recently starred in a large budget movie!

    • starry_cobra@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      There’s also the scene where the director of the movie she freaked out with recommended against her because she was hard to work with

        • senator_john_jackson@alien.topB
          10 months ago

          I believe that Kelsey read between the lines. His exact description of her noted the change and Kelsey is sharp enough to chalk that up to Bojack (the choking while filming Philbert was publicly known but laughed off on the talk show circuit as them being good actors). I could definitely see Kelsey pitching to Gina specifically calling out that she knows and understands and using that as a way to establish trust.

  • studentpoo@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I’m more geared toward no - as the average pessimistic watcher there’s more to suggest that the incident has a negative impact towards her career. Other users reveal she has PTSD whilst filming fire flame and has to walk out on set but there’s a scene after where the director tells PC not to hire her in future casting due to her behaviour, it leans more towards showing the nature of Bojack’s ability to ruin other people’s lives without much self awareness rather than show Gina’s development but that’s about it for her in the series.

    !more spoilers! There’s another scene in the episode The Vjew From Halfway Down where Gina is singing Sarah Lynn’s “Don’t Stop Dancing” which could suggest she’s going the same direction and Sarah Lynn, learning about the dark side of Hollywoo and how she must keep performing if she wants to make it big, She could go on to live a successful career, or decide acting is too much and go on to design video games that help kids learn math

    • PabloMarmite@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      she has PTSD whilst filming fire flame

      That’s not Fireflame, that’s a different movie. Kelsey Jennings directs Fireflame, and Jannings is advised against hiring her by the director of that movie - but after that, we see she’s on the Fireflame billboard, so Jannings must have ignored the advice and hired her anyway. So her career survives, which is probably the best we could hope for.

  • UedaUdel@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It depends on how Gina chooses to work through the issues she has now. Same for anyone else, really.

    But she does continue her career.

  • whoamiwhatamid0ing@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I can’t believe people are saying that Gina is okay. She is not. She became difficult to work with because of the trauma and needed ultra control over her environment due to her anxiety from the incident with Bojack. She got a reputation for being difficult to work with. No one knows she’s traumatized so they think she’s just a diva.

    Kelsey does end up working with her for Fireflame even though the other director discouraged her from getting Gina for the part. This gives us a little hope that Gina will start healing better, but she’s not really okay in a way we get to see in the show.