It was great. Life keeps going.
It depends on how Gina chooses to work through the issues she has now. Same for anyone else, really.
But she does continue her career.
The ending we got was far superior to BoJack dying.
I mean he said in Free Churro he said he wanted to be seen. She essentially gave him that here. It’s not exactly a kind thing to say, but BoJack basically also believes this already. She saw him. And he didn’t notice.
Perhaps it wasn’t a big enough impact on BoJack for him to be there. He was out of his gourd and ‘Stamos’ was a stranger. He didn’t even care enough to know his real name and losing someone in water is different from being confronted with their dead body.
It’s a fair question. We assume Corduroy Jackson Jackson is there because BoJack feels some responsibility for his death but what if it was only or more so because he was the one to find and be traumatized by his dead body?
With Stamos would BoJack have felt responsible? Would he have stayed long enough for the body to potentially wash ashore (if it ever did) and see it or would he just leave when Stamos fell beneath the waves and didn’t resurface?
From a storytelling point of view it also wouldn’t make sense for Stamos to be in his death dream because BoJack knows nothing about him. How would his mind invent Stamos’ dinner conversation or last after dinner act before falling through the door and into nothingness?
A homeless man died. One BoJack called John Stamos, but that wasn’t really John Stamos.
B+. In what way is that an Easter egg?
Nope. BoJack isn’t doomed either he just has to choose to turn it around. Everyday he can make a choice. And it’ll get easier. If he does it every day.
I loved it for that reason, honestly. Ties into Free Churro where BoJack says that there were moments growing up where while it felt like you were drowning, you suddenly remember you can swim. But mostly not.
So maybe everyone else forgot? They do things as they are used to.
But probably mostly because it had to happen for the scene.