Truthfully, I thought she had a lot of patience especially when they were burning literal shit & sprinkling piss in the house. I think she’s a a basket case at times, but I haven’t seen her do anything that should equal this amount of hate (at least that I remember) . She was literally saying she was depressed and TJ didn’t do a single thing but gaslight her into going back to America and told her it was her own fault. His family seem insufferable & I’m sure most people on here wouldn’t be able to deal with that. Sharing a space with a brother & stepmom who are condescending and rude and demand you to do things that wasn’t planned would make me scream too.

  • Ghouly_Girl@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I think Kimberly should go back - not because of anything she did, but because of this family. I think her dad and step mom would welcome her home with open arms and that’s what she needs. And then she can find a nice guy in her home, who won’t gaslight her when she says she’s feeling depressed. Like wtf is that? TJ made my skin crawl last night. I get different countries have different values and what not, but she was just asking for some comfort. He couldn’t even give her that. I seriously think Kimberly needs to get tf outta there.

    • Ok_List_9649@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      According to both of them, she’s been like this for three months. I highly suspect he has tried to offer her emotional support, but we’ve seen where she absolutely goes berserk and nothing pleases her remember what she did about the house. I think he’s just tried everything and he’s at the end of a rope. He actually said that.

      • Confident_Link_4248@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        I agree with you. He’s throwing in the towel at this point because he’s tried to fix it, help her and nothing is good enough but because the cameras are on now she’s of course saying all she needs is a hug and for him to say sorry and he’s like just pack it up.

    • lemonadeandfireflies@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      It blew my mind when she said all she wanted was a hug and to be told hes sorry shes depressed and he said “I will never do that.” Like… wtf??? Who wouldn’t do that for their partner. She’s not even asking for him to solve or change anything. Just hug her goddammit!!!