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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2023

  • Nolan has how many decades of experience? Other viltrumites haven’t ever really been friends, but moreso allies. Plus Nolan was, iirc, always seemingly dissatisfied with how the viltrumite empire was being run, but obviously never felt like he would ever have the power to stop it. Then mark came along and he’d been writing these books with secrets to defeating the empire just in case something happened to him because it was a contingency for if he ever found himself at odds with the empire. Because that’s what a smart man would do. He’d plan for the eventuality that the empire did not have his best interests at heart.

  • I think the power scaling makes a lot of sense if you have read the comics and know about viltrumite biology. Viltrumites are INCREDIBLY inbred. That’s part of what makes them so unbelievably powerful, but also so very fragile. Then factor in the idea behind viltrumite physiology being powered by will, and mix that with the trope of humans being some of the most WILL driven cockroaches of the galaxy. Then sprinkle a dash of adrenaline on top and you see that when Mark really goes all out, he’s one of the most powerful viltrumites in the universe short of maybe some spoilers.

  • So if I had to make a guess, I’d say that the magic dome is a very powerful illusion. As far as we know there isn’t much refuting the idea that the sunlight is still getting through, the people inside simply can’t see it, like a giant pair of sunglasses. If there were vampires I’d wager they might still be unable to go out during the day, but this would confirm or disprove my hypothesis.

    On a slightly less related note, bees. Bees and VERY good at telling time. So if the light still feeds the trees, the bees are also probably still populating them.

  • 1: Writers aren’t perfect.

    2: His strategy isn’t always Cecil’s

    3: Everything The Immortal is, Nolan is but better.

    4: Lincoln wasn’t a brilliant strategist debatibely, he was an average guy who just had a semi decent sense of right and wrong, relative to the time he lived in.

    5: Having one’s head removed from their body, might give someone a slightly different perspective, figuratively. Even if Lincoln was a brilliant strategist, doesn’t mean he’d still be one after having a bullet to the head, let alone a full body amputation.

  • Yes but the reason is pretty stupid and complicated. It’s the same reason why they don’t get cold from flying through the clouds or burn up on impact when reentering from space. The episode where omniman teach Mark to fly. Remember how he talks about being able to freely move off of air and space. Viltrumites don’t fly by overcoming gravity, but by removing themselves from it entirely, they move the space around them, the same way Aquaman swims in water. In that space the force of this ability creates cavitation, like a forcefield, that cuts through the space around it. So that would, relatively, keep food being delivered roughly the same temperature(and possibly balance) as when it began cavitating.