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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2023


  • I don’t know. I feel like the fact that she is a woman plays somewhat heavily into the whole forgiveness angle. It’s easier, culturally, to forgive women as many of their transgressions are waved off. What I mean is that violent aggressive acts are typically seen as something inherent in men but with women kinder more nurturing actions are held in belief to be the norm. Women acting violently are easier to excuse for the violence they create. It is believed they aren’t really like that and are lashing out due to trauma or pressures of a patriarchal society. Culturally we only really see a woman as being evil or unforgivable when she goes against the perceived nurturing default (abusing, harming, or abandoning children)

    This is all to say that we can recognize Nissa is wrong for raping Mark and that it is a brutal act but subconsciously we are more accepting of her redeeming herself. Typically in most storytelling like this a male rapist will not be given a chance to redeem themselves and live. Yes Nissa dies but not as a consequence of her assault of Mark. She “redeems” herself and then later dies in battle. Typically if the story is to punish a male rapist but have them redeem themselves then their redemption comes at the cost of their life. I could also go on here about how media is constantly pushing for men to sacrifice their lives and that once you actually pick up on it you start seeing it in every piece of consumable media but I have rambled on long enough