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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 9th, 2023


  • As someone who moved to a country where I did not speak the language AT ALL, I have some empathy for Kim and it’s at the 3 month point of really being IN it that the depression hits hard. I have been there.

    That being said, you HAVE to save yourself. You have to take baby steps to get your shit together and live. Or you quit the experiment. That’s it. She is with a family that doesn’t understand her and a husband who has tapped out on empathy and is now caught in the middle between his family and his wife.

    I think Kim’s reality depression has paralyzed her and yes, she could go out of the apartment and she could hang with the family, but sometimes when depression over being isolated and alone hits, those things people suggest are easy to see from the outside but almost impossible to accomplish when you’re locked into your own darkness.

    She also doesn’t seem to possess the best coping skills or the utmost in maturity, and that girl has a set of lungs on her. She wasn’t equipped for this kind of life. She’s working from a sunk cost fallacy. She needs to pack her linens and go home. She has passed the point of no return and no burning cow shit is gonna bring her back to center again.