Admittedly, it would be pretty funny if Eve just turned Killcannon’s arm into a hunk of salami and just spent the next few hours beating him with it.
Admittedly, it would be pretty funny if Eve just turned Killcannon’s arm into a hunk of salami and just spent the next few hours beating him with it.
I wonder if anyone will say this within the show at some point considering the title card meme managed to get worked in. The giant with the kid brain could probably reasonably say it.
There’s never a bad time to shill.
You gotta be [INVINCIBLE] >!fucking kidding me!!<
So this is the plot of Toy Story 5.
I don’t know too much about the later parts of Invincible, but I did read the chapters involving this guy after hearing so many people hype him up.
He kinda reminds me of Nappa from DBZ, but twenty times more of a sadist. Also, his arm looks like the Infinity Gauntlet for some reason.
Mark realizing “I can always start again. Make another kid.” wasn’t just an idle threat.
Man, Angstrom must’ve been been part Fruit Gusher or something.
Maybe Episode 8 is >!the Spider-Man crossover and the Angstrom fight. Unless they do the Spider-Man crossover in Episode 7 to really give weight to the final battle. Granted, Mark basically just beats Angstrom into paste almost effortlessly once he gets his hands on him, so I have no idea.!<
I think he’s shitposting, based on the replies. At the same time, this is Twitter we’re talking about…
I forgot Rex and Dupli-Kate weren’t actually dating.
I hope he comes back to drop the hottest mix-tape of 2023.
I guess the writers figured Mark’s relationship with Amber has been rocky enough without having to deal with him trying to avoid making sushi.
I only heard about the comic details to a very minor degree, so perhaps the impact is bigger than I realize, but I’m genuinely surprised that Immortal and Dupli-Kate are still a thing in the show. I would’ve thought that’d be cut due to how questionable it seems.
Reminded me of Lex Luthor or Captain Black more immediately than Mr. Krabs.