Now I just wonder if anyone with super-sperm ever killed themselves by jerking off on the toilet so hard that the jism went off in their face, tearing through their skull like rounds from a shotgun.
Now I just wonder if anyone with super-sperm ever killed themselves by jerking off on the toilet so hard that the jism went off in their face, tearing through their skull like rounds from a shotgun.
Duplikate, because with her powers I would have lost my virginity by now. She can be as careless as possible with her clones, and with how often they get killed STDs and stalkers likely aren’t an issue for her. I could have become an experienced lover in my twenties with none of the risk instead of aging into someone with an insecure attachment style and an inability to initiate physical contact.
Okay well, I didn’t know I could be terrified of being raped to death by a giant tiger-man in the middle of a dark jungle, but there you went putting the fear of your god in me. Well done.
How is that a good thing? And no, Bojack wasn’t born broken, he came from a shitty family and developed an alcohol/drug dependency because he never learned how to cope with his crippling depression and anxiety. All his mom did was pathologize that down to “sorry, you should never have been born because you suck so bad.”
This reminds me of that scrapped Reanimator movie where Herbert West was going to need to reanimate the president of the United States. Sometimes I wish I could travel the multiverse just for its movies…