Kids are the retirement plan in many cultures 😁 You take care of your kids when they grow up, they take care of you when you’re older. It’s a symbiotic trade-off
That’s bizarre to me to rent a 1-bedroom apartment and have two people living in it, and rent a storage unit. Those can go for $500ish a month. Why not just rent a 2-bedroom? 🧐
I could defend him on several of these, a lot of it is cultural. Ashley’s not perfect either. BUT the way he talks to her with just absolute DISDAIN is SO disrespectful. I’d be out so fast if someone talked to me like that. You just can’t be in a relationship with that level of disrespect. He’s like if Homer Simpson were a real person and not funny
I got the sense that she just doesn’t know Igor that well. He’s talking about what he likes and expects and is comfortable with, and she’s just taking everything personally. She literally cannot see past herself. No empathy
And her ‘fashion’ isn’t so much actual fashion as it is clinging tightly to an identity. If you have to be sexual all the time, that’s not self-expression, that’s a crutch. You’re more than your makeup, clothes, and sex, the Nikki!
Honestly I think managing an OF is too much work for him
Something tells me she didn’t buy it
I think David and Annie have a show called exactly this
I believe the family member said something like “how are you going to be productive and contribute to society” which idk kind of sounds like a judgmental boomer (not necessarily xenophobic but probably just coming from the perspective of Jasmine being a sugar baby… not sure which is worse)
I can guarantee you he doesn’t own this
I don’t think it’s that deep. Kids these days aren’t educated about WWII as strongly as we were growing up. Especially in his country, maybe there’s not as much anti-Nazi sentiment? So then it is reduced to something taboo and rebellious rather than straight up evil
I don’t think he thinks he’s a Nazi so much as he’s just trying to shock people
This was Anfisa talking to George! Shut him down real quick lol
I do think something is going on. I assume she’s just not comfortable with his living situation, the cameras, or both. BUT I do think she genuinely loves him. There are tons of sweet moments, like when she looked in his eyes saying he looked tired (seriously why are his eyes so bloodshot? probably because he never blinks) Anyway if she were scamming or something else unsavory I think she’d act like she loves him, like so many scammers do. But she seems to trust him and is genuinely explaining that she misses her mom etc. and is just going through that. Maybe she has culture shock too, she’s young, this is probably the first time she’s traveled this far for this long