This is one of the first posts I’ve seen not blaming Kim so I don’t know what you’re on about.
This is one of the first posts I’ve seen not blaming Kim so I don’t know what you’re on about.
This post is really ridiculous.
It’s none of your business and a big assumption.
Leave the kids out of it!
There was a post on here about it. From his instagram.
He had tagged a Medi spa and was thinking them for the excellent job that they did that he loved so much and he got lip, cheek and jaw fillers.
She looked so much better in that picture. Filter or not.
Her Farquaad posts are iconic.
I can hear her wailing it in my head LMAO
They burn incense regularly.
Okay I thought you were serious for half a second. Thank goodness you had the sarcasm notation.
There was a young couple on My Strange Addiction who drank their own urine and there’s a whole thing about people aging their urine and drinking it so I wasn’t sure until I saw /s!
There was a clip of the video on one of the subs and he got lip, cheek and jaw filler.
I don’t notice in the cheek and the jaw, but his lips make him look like a clown 🤡
Yes. Like Yara said, when Angela’s there, you’re always having fun.
She’s a good photoshopper though. I don’t see any wavy lines!
Please respect our privacy as if they are celebrities LOL
When everyone was hating on Yara because she was thinking about buying an apartment, I was totally behind her. Why shouldn’t she live in Europe when he’s gone most of the year working? He can fly there when he’s off!
I was like well if she relapses there, she’s not going to be able to find anything anyways LOL
Yohan and Baba (sp?) are having an affair and splitting all of Danielle’s money.
Who tf is Sophie? Lol
Why is everything her fault?
You’re the one that had no point.