I was gonna say it would be a stretch for people to request both of them, but Mary alone? No thanks haha
I was gonna say it would be a stretch for people to request both of them, but Mary alone? No thanks haha
Also in her IG stories, she’s promoting cameos with just her, it’s no longer her and brandan. And I’m pretty sure she changed her youtube subscription to just her as well. They were always doing them together so I guess we can take that for what it’s worth. These 2 need some serious maturing instead of airing everything all over social media like they’re 12. They have a child now, grow up
When God sends a literal plague to your wedding its time to call it a day
This wedding was cursed the minute Lolo couldn’t go. And if your wedding vows contain the phrase “I know we’ve been fighting a lot” then maybe…it’s a bad idea
She really has come a very long way, and has been incredibly insightful to both Mary and brandan. She didn’t take anyone’s side and was really the only voice of reason despite her past feelings of Mary and their relationship. And side note idk if she was trying to be intentionally ironic, but I was dying when she told brandan “love is not enough” after brandan and Mary LIVE by “you are enough” 😄
I was going to say it is SO refreshing to see these 2 learn their partners language. And they’re both very impressive with it! It always just kind of irked me when there’s couples who have been together years and don’t even make a half ass effort to try to learn even the bare minimum.
When she found the karmasutra book and just goes “how romantic” I lost it 😄
This 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 thank you. I’m seriously surprised there isn’t more uproar about this. To me I was completely shocked and mortified when Nikki said that she kept that from him until they got into a fight, then pretty much just threw it in his face like “well guess what? I used to be a man!” Like that’s some sort of joke. If I was a young guy I would be absolutely traumatized by that bc that is such a huge deception and betrayal, and I really do consider that a form of sexual assault. Nikki can say “I just didn’t want to feel rejected”. Well igor/Justin should have at least had the option or opportunity to make that decision. Absolutely terrible
Yara is low key very funny. Her little remarks always have me dying. Her IG account is pretty funny too she has no problem making fun of herself I love it
Oof hit a sore spot did we 🙄
Jasmine has definitely grown on me ESPECIALLY after this last reunion show. She was actually the voice of reason, took her criticism very well, and was EXTREMELY composed after Amanda went after her i was shocked. And her humor has me dying so far this season. I know her outbursts are insane, but to be honest I think a lot of it are theatrics bc she knows what sells, especially for TLC. I follow her on SM and to be honest she seems very low key and seems to be genuinely grateful for her followers.
Well… for a reality show where else are you expecting your sources other than entertainment tabloids? Fox News? CNN? There’s a direct quotes from her admitting her time on the show and explaining how she was extremely disappointed with the show stating “I’m very distraught with everything that’s gone down with the TV show botched”. So…I’m not exactly sure what more proof you need? 🤷🏼♀️
She was also on an episode of botched back in 2014 but was “fired” for her ridiculous diva like attitude apparently. I’m not sure if it actually ever aired, but she was definitely in the process of it being filmed at one point
Danielle and her binder of truth 😄
Haha I seriously wish I could go back and watch this for the first time again. Them and Danielle and Mohammed. I seriously miss the OG dumpster fires haha
“I’ve been a million percent committed since you got here” 😑um…sir? You expect praise for being committed for a whopping 48 hours? Kick rocks