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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2023


  • yeah, that’s what makes me really sad. I know Mary probably wants to be there for her grandparents but honestly it would make more sense for them to have saved up for her visa, started the process, and gone from there. the house was like 60k iirc and that’s actually around what the entire process with flights and such would cost when all is said and done (factor in relocation costs too). and by that point it would be about three years into the future so they’d both be more mature and maybe Mary could have even gone back to school with the money Brandan could have saved living with family (I believe he could move back in with his godparents at the very least). I’m really sad they’re both so traumatized and therefore impulsive when someone shows them love and loyalty.

  • I agree that she came off as a badass. I haven’t ever checked out her instagram so I’m gonna hold onto the version I saw on my television for now. I actually think he does want a kid. I don’t think he wants to be a father, but I think he wants a vessel to house and birth his offspring to perpetuate his lineage, and he will basically he will be very busy most of the time despite living with them and pop in and out of the kid’s life to judge and criticize and on rare occasion, be in a great mood, in which he lavishes them with attention and possibly gifts like trips or cruises. He wants to privately tear down his family while publicly seeming perfect.

  • I agree that she came off as a badass. I haven’t ever checked out her instagram so I’m gonna hold onto the version I saw on my television for now. I actually think he does want a kid. I don’t think he wants to be a father, but I think he wants a vessel to house and birth his offspring to perpetuate his lineage, and he will basically he will be very busy most of the time despite living with them and pop in and out of the kid’s life to judge and criticize and on rare occasion, be in a great mood, in which he lavishes them with attention and possibly gifts like trips or cruises. He wants to privately tear down his family while publicly seeming perfect.

  • I work in social services and a lot of us have lived experience (we have been in similar positions as some of our clients) so this checks out for me. with some people, once they’re clean or have moved their usage to a manageable state (depends on the substance- it’s not possible for all substances to use in moderation) people tend to be more empathetic and sympathetic and just knowledgeable and real about shit.

  • you do realize that throughout the process of therapy sometimes a client unpacks/learns something about themselves and their framework that changes their outlook and approach, and that this can actually be healthy and good for all parties? they’re regularly seeing therapists at this retreat ordeal; it’s not like therapists are like oh when you first came here you said you want xyz what happened to saving your marriage no matter what. Unless you go to very specific and often religious therapists/counselors, the goal of therapy is to have the client feel like they’re informed and strong enough to make their own decisions. this is her decision. as for the flying him in part, whatever, that’s total TLC pageantry.