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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2023


  • It is not equivalent. Assuming that what TJ’s family is doing is common amongst Indians is the same as assuming that most Americans don’t have indoor bathrooms since Rob does not. That is an apt comparison of how truly unusual and weird TJ’s family is.

    Comparing it to the obesity epidemic in the US is an apples to oranges comparison, particularly since your mention of viral street food videos indicates that you actually have not been to India, meaning you are not really qualified to make a comparison.

  • I would also say that this show attracts the lowest common denominator in any culture—are all American men and women like Gino, Big Ed, or Angela? Do American homes not have indoor bathrooms like Rob?

    No offense but any successful middle to upper class Indian man would NOT want an American woman like Jenny, Jen, or Kim, so it unsurprising that these Indian men are trash. Much like you cannot expect someone like Gino to attract the cream of the crop either.

    All those things could easily be attributed to the culture, and might be by a foreign audience viewing the same show.

  • This is highly unusual for even Hindu Indians and anyone who is actually Indian would know that. Other than Jains (which TJ is not), no one avoids onion and garlic — evidence: just look up ingredients for the most popular Indian dishes — unless it’s a religious holiday or something. And no one is bringing poop, cow or otherwise, into their home like that.

  • Thank you for posting this.

    I am also Indian(-American but have spent years in India), and can confirm that TJ’s family is extreme and very, very religious.

    I don’t even know any religious Hindus who follow the onion/garlic rule unless it’s literally a holiday (I mean, look up most Indian food which includes copious amounts of both those ingredients!), let alone doing anything with cow urine.

  • I think once you start the slippery slope of “maybe I can fix this one thing…” it becomes harder and harder to stop at just one thing because there’s always another minor imperfection to fix. And before you know it, you’re at Darcy status because you don’t have stable enough self esteem to know when to stop.

  • In all fairness, Myla was not a planned pregnancy. And Jovi candidly admitted that he would have never proposed to Yara had she not gotten pregnant the first time (when she later miscarried before their 90 days began).

    I get the sense that Jovi fell into both this marriage and pregnancy. I think the entire second kid discussion is less about Jovi wanting more kids/a traditional family life, and more about keeping Yara trapped at home, while he does whatever the fuck he wants while on his work trips.