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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 2nd, 2023

  • Okay since reddit is apparently going to keep this post at the top of my home page for 2 days, I guess I’ll add my thoughts…

    Declaring something fully feminist or misogynist is just like. Not a useful way to do anything. For these purposes, feminism would be a critical lens through which to examine the work - one which should probably also work hand-in-hand with a historical lens for a book 100 years old. There’s going to be elements of both. It was written by a man a hundred years ago. Just by that alone there’s going to be problematic stuff in it, never mind the actual contents of he story. However, as any of the dracula daily tumblr girlies will tell you, there’s also plenty of character work that resonates strongly with a modern feminist audience that has good points to take away, especially depending on your interpretation.

    Edit: Skimming some of the other comments has made me realize some of the words I want to use for this- I would say that judging dracula through a modern lens is probably misguided (though ngl I do thoroughly judge the twists several adaptations have made ever since that do make it MORE misogynistic imo), however I think analyzing it through a modern lens gives you all sorts of complicated answers to your question!

  • You sound like the guy I met in Japan who insisted this alphabet had too many letters because letters like X and Z weren’t needed. You don’t need the words Zebra when ‘striped horse’ supposedly “works just as well!”

    I have to assume you’re a troll or something.

    Edit: You posted this exact post to like 5 different subs, so like. Def a troll and/or spammer.

  • First off, you should probably ask this on like. The fantasy romance sub or something. Most of the people on this sub are not the audience for that book (or for fantasy romance in general), so you’re gonna get a higher proportion of people who don’t like it responding. But that aside…

    I mean, I don’t think either ACOTAR or Fourth Wing are good (and by this, I mean, I don’t even think they’re good at what they’re trying to do by being fantasy romance). I DNF’d ACOTAR like 90% of the way through when I realized the ending was not going to improve the slog I’d gone through and that the series was only going to get more frustrating to me. So I wouldn’t personally encourage you to continue, I’d suggest asking for more recs on the fantasy romance subs.

    If you liked Fourth Wing, a lot of those people seem to like ACOTAR too. Though also a lot of ACOTAR fans seem to say it doesn’t really get good until like the second or even third book? Idk. That might be useful information to you if you’re deciding whether to continue or not.

  • JYSK

    Rule 3.3: Requests for personalized recommendations or suggestions are not allowed. Post instead to our Weekly Recommendation Thread (always CSS stickied at the top of any /r/books page), /r/suggestmeabook or /r/whattoreadwhen. Also try /r/booklists or our Suggested Reading list wiki page. Posts asking users to list their favorite/the best book of a genre, style, etc that don’t include an answer and why in the body will be assumed to be recommendation requests and removed.

    For your specific case, I’d probably check the romance sub. There’s plenty of good romance novels that aren’t spicy.