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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2023

  • Don’t know what all the fuss is about these days all you have to do is walk across the border and you’re in. You court case might come up in 15 years and they can make a decision whether you can stay or go if they can find you. Come one come off all you have to do is walk across they’ll give you a check for $1500 pay for all your medical costs get free housing and free food stamps. America what a country! Oh and don’t let me forget a free cell phone to boot!

  • mggieruth1117@alien.topBto90 Day FianceKimberly is insane
    10 months ago

    She’s not little Miss innocent. She has lived there before. She knew their culture going in. No one had to lie to her she saw with her own eyes what was expected of her but she went into it anyway because she was princess for a day on her wedding. She’s a spoiled entitled brat. If she didn’t like their culture she shouldn’t have married into it.

  • mggieruth1117@alien.topBto90 Day FianceTJ wedding
    11 months ago

    Well Jenna New York City why you ask why she should? Because she married into that culture and if she didn’t delve into what was expected of her she shouldn’t have married instead of sitting there and whining about her lot in life and manipulating everybody’s conversation into something that never was.

  • mggieruth1117@alien.topBto90 Day FianceThe last resort
    11 months ago

    I’m really upset about Mucinex Ed sticking his big fat mouth into Jovi’s business where it didn’t belong. He’s a shit stirrer then he sits back and watch the mud bladder everywhere while he laughs about it. Talk about people having a mental illness.

  • When I was 10 years old I was in a foster home. My best friend in school was taking tap dancing lessons. I wanted to go so I asked the Foster mother if I could and she said you’re a big fat clumsy ox who looks like a pregnant possum trying to get out of a forest fire. I’ve had an eating disorder ever since. I’ve lived my entire life chewing food and spitting it out for being afraid of being called big and fat again. What people tell you in your formative years never changes your brain wiring for the better.