Episode 4 - It’s Been a While

Mark answers the call to save an alien species, but the mission has unexpected personal consequences.

Full cast, crew and characters

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  • Medium-Science9526@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Getting the things I wanted out the way, sadly didn’t go the breaking down route with Mark. Didn’t cry once but at least we got the hug, and we sadly did get this chase scene. But still we got a homage to the iconic panel which was great:


    Still though wish we also got the line about Mark not catching a breath considering they now can’t to the homage later. I did like the flyby with Nolan on what he did once he left and getting the talk between Andressa and Mark.

    Mark getting some of those fights on Earth earlier clearly helped though, he was clearly doing some work with Thula, she’s washed up.

    Curious what they’re doing with Eve since I thought she be drifting from home rather than returning, maybe they’re >!cutting out Africa or doing a fake out!<. Then with Debbie and Art, I was expecting the latter to still somewhat stick up for their friendship from memory he did that but I don’t remember if he said so before Debbie. Speaking of Art, Space Racer book! Can’t wait for him. They played fast with the Mauler Twins subplot but equally funny.

    Also who couldn’t be happy about seeing Kregg. Clancy Brown amazing pick.

    • Pathogen188@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Still though wish we also got the line about Mark not catching a breath considering they now can’t to the homage later.

      IMO it makes more sense in the context of the show’s timeline with the more extended training arc with Nolan before the S1 finale. Mark’s simply had more training and more difficult fights at this point than he did at this point in the comics and he’s in comparatively better shape. In the comic, the fight with Nolan was Mark’s first serious beat down, but he’d already been put through the ringer several times before fighting Nolan in S1 and has had tough fights so far this season. Comic Mark spent more time coasting on his baseline Viltrumite powers in fights whereas Show Mark is pushed to the limit way more frequently.

      • Medium-Science9526@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        It makes sense why Mark is stronger but still the presence of the other Viltrumites being that much stronger was better imo. They didn’t need to have the moment to teach Mark to train I agree since he already had that with Nolan, but to give him more fear of the other Viltrumites, alongside as I said specifically for the choke one since it’s used later in a ironic way.

        Also, just like with the Lucan chase scene it adds tension to the situation for Mark. Emphasing again the strength of the Viltrumites and what Mark has to fear in the future.

    • Sorry_Plankton@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Pertaining to Eve, it seems to me that they are Lairing the not fit for heroics theme, both Mark and Eve grow to have come when Thrane confronts them on their home planet.

    • JohnnyAK907@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      I expect they are cutting out >!Eve’s Africa arc !!Eve realizing she couldn’t just hand waive away centuries of tribal warfare and cultural strife!< was a good bit of humbling for a woman that could literally remake the world on a whim. They kind of easy buttoned that lesson when Eve figured out maybe she should have looked into WHY the city never cleared up that lot instead of just assuming she knew better because she’s Atom Eve, but in the end I guess it was the same lesson.

      Agree with you completely on the exchange between Nolan and Mark. Comic nailed the complex emotions of that moment, whereas show went straight CW petulant bitch mode with Mark.

      • tjksn91@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        Couldn’t disagree more. It never made sense in the comics that mark instantly hugs Nolan and forgives him. In the show it makes WAY more sense that he would be furious and unforgiving for what his father did. Makes it more realistic.

      • Medium-Science9526@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        Didn’t think about that with Eve in Africa, good point. My hope and train of thought was >!they’d tie why Mark goes on his diplomatic redemption arc for villains partly due to what he and Eve were trying to do in Africa. Using powers outside of fighting.!<

        Yeah seems we are in the minority with the Nolan and Mark change atm but man it’s the same with Debbie briefly blaming Mark exchange where the comics got to show the really complex and sometimes ugly parts of emotions which I felt were kinda lost.

        Still though at least it didn’t go full blown fight and they still kept the intial hug.

        • JohnnyAK907@alien.topB
          10 months ago

          Something I love about the comic is the way it handles those emotional complexities in a very sincere and genuine way despite the outlandish circumstances.
          How the series has been dealing with Mark and Debbie this season has me worried for other big moments down the road like >!Mark getting raped.!< TV show is definitely dumbing down the emotional maturity and has me scratching my head.

          • Medium-Science9526@alien.topB
            10 months ago

            Yeah for me my first concern was Amber, not the debate of what she did but more so the show showing her as the only issue when I thought a more nuanced take would be Eve with her stance on dating civilians and how she did say only reveal when the relationship was serious.

            The Debbie change I want too concerned but now with Nolan and Mark I’m curious how it will continue. for >!Mark getting raped I do feel that changing even just Nolan’s response!< and giving more time for that would be needed but it has me concerned on the situation of say >!Oliver’s view of humanity when he starts being Kid Omni-Man!< or say when >!Mark leaves Eve to confirm Angstrom Levy was dead.!<

        • Klunkey@alien.topB
          10 months ago

          Debbie briefly blaming Mark

          It was one of those parts in the comic that I didn’t like on first viewing, but that was when I had a very naive understanding of how grief works. Grief doesn’t just consist of crying. There’s blaming, self-projecting all from despair.

          I kind of wish when Debbie was destroying the dishes two episodes ago, she should’ve blamed Mark for trying to take the fall because SHE wanted to. A brief moment of weakness despite not understanding that she could have been killed if not for Mark.

          I did kind of like what they were going for last episode where Debbie’s obviously untrue thoughts that she was responsible for Nolan’s violence are validated by one of the victims’ loved ones. I loved that part because it was something that you could fear the most and it could happen to you anyway. But it just kind of feels repetitive in this episode. Debbie just gets visited by another person who feels sympathy towards her, but I wish it was a lot more deranged, and not just to shady people like Cecil.

      • GiltPeacock@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        Oh I already we assumed we wouldn’t get that, since it was basically transplanted to season one when she went and built the treehouse. I thought it was a pretty savvy update to say that >!if a person wants to help the poor and disenfranchised and they live in America of all places, they don’t have to leave the country to do that.!<