I am so sorry your mother made you feel insecure. That’s not what parents are supposed to do. I think you’re a class act. You are kind, smart, poise, and funny. Jovie is lucky to have you. I don’t know if no if he was always an addict, if it’s editing, or if it got worse bc of filming. Either way- get your apartment in Europe. Be close to your family. Jovi has the ability to go and visit where ever he chooses. You do not have to sit in the swamp and wait for him to realize what he actions are doing to you. I love 90 day fiancé bc it’s trash TV. You girl, are not trash. TAKE. IT. OUT.

  • xHappyAcidx@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    After him skipping out on a job that would bring him home every day, I hope she does get that apartment.

        • Miss_Kit_Kat@alien.topB
          11 months ago

          Agreed. TLC had to throw some last-minute drama in there because OBVIOUSLY Jovi and Yara weren’t going to split at the “re-commitment ceremony.”

          (They stick out like a sore thumb on this spinoff because they’re just not trainwreck-y enough. Keep them on Pillow Talk where they belong.)

    • Love2Pug@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      You wouldn’t even be able to finish the question “Would you like to move to Pra…” “YES! SHUTUP AND TAKE MY YES!!” And I wouldn’t even waste time packing clothes, terminating my lease, shutting off utilities, etc. I’m on the next flight and will buy new clothes / laptop / etc in the duty-free area of the airport.

      At least in my fantasy - IRL I am a cat slave and would have to figure out how to bring them with me!

  • SchwiftyDFFOO@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Look I get it…Jovie sucks (from what’s seen on TV) but they still have a child together. I wouldn’t be to fond of my wife just getting her own place back home either and just taking my child. Also don’t forget the shitty move Yara pulled on Jovie talking about moving there the whole time without a word mentioned to him about it…talk about not being able to trust…AND not to mention it IS NOT cheap to fly and visit back and forth from the US and Europe. Atleast when Jovi goes away it’s to support his family…

    • Love2Pug@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      I understand all that you wrote.

      My HUGE issue with Jovi, and the entire discussion about Yara and Mylah spending time in Europe is:

      Yara’s home country was invaded and is now at war with Russia. We saw her in near tears (quite understandably). But Jovi still trying to control her.

      What Jovi should have said, around Mar 2021: “I understand. We are just a couple of weeks away from your green-card getting approved. The very day it is approved, you will book plane tickets for you and Mylah to join your mother and your friends in Prague. This will be good for you, for your family, and for Mylah. When my work is done, I will come join you there.”

      Instead, Jovi went all controlling, wanting to prevent Yara from travelling without him, and then insisting she would leave Europe and her friends / family, to sit at home alone with Mylah, watching CNN, while he again went back to work without her for weeks.

      Finally, with Jovi’s job, he could tell his job to land him basically anywhere in the world after a job, and they would be able to oblige. The plane tickets are the absolute LEAST EXPENSIVE part of his contracts. Plus his miles are almost certainly his own to use at his discretion.

    • OpheliaPhoeniXXX@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      If he wants to keep working the job that keeps him away one month at a time instead of taking the job in your home – she should be allowed to get the apartment in Europe to spend those months with her family instead of alone with his mom.

        • OpheliaPhoeniXXX@alien.topB
          11 months ago

          He was offered a closer job and chose to be offshore AND ask for another baby. They can absolutely split their time if he wants to decide to stay gone for that long. She said it’d be with her money.

  • Russkiroulette@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Addition in a partner is extremely difficult. I wish for her to get out too. I’m also an immigrant to the US and the pain you feel being away from your family and culture is so different. I know she’s not from there but there are such similarities in so many of the adjacent cultures. I wish her better too. I know it’s only because of the baby that she stays and unfortunately now she’s stuck.

  • queenofdan@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    She should go back home and let her dumbass husband think about how and why he said no to a job closer to home and see how he feels having her take HERSELF AND THEIR CHILD away from him for months at a time. Give him a taste of his own medicine so he can make a better decision in the future, he obvious it has no empathy or love for her because love doesn’t do that. And he loves his baby , right? Well, why do that to her ? And why stress out that baby’s mom? That is not love. Money isn’t love. So don’t come at me that he has to make money. He had a job offer closer to home.

    If that story isn’t made up, that is.

  • MangoSmooothie@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Sure, go back to Europe. And once she has to support herself, she’ll go back to being a Dubai porta potty lol.

  • BodhiSatvva4711@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    So Jovi wanted another baby, He wanted more sex, He didn’t want to bother with the day to day raising of this baby either, Yara was not ready to have another yet,

    And he and his mother are OUTRAGED she went on contraception!

    I just don’t understand. So she should just have lots of unprotected sex and get pregnant against her will? And cope with a newborn and a toddler alone for months at a time? How is that not the outrageous bit?

    Clearly Jovi wants time away to have freedom to drink, party, go to strip clubs and she can be his beautiful brood mare stuck at home.

    I thought Yara was so reasonable and articulate and mature and open with her communication. To me she was so clearly had reasonable wants and was trying to make sensible measured decisions.

    Yovi is never going to grow up. He will always like looking at naked young girls no matter how old he gets. He will always drink. He will always put himself first. He will have his Mommy backing him up. I don’t see him ever changing or being capable of putting his family before his own desires.

    He wants another baby to keep her tied to him. To make it harder to leave. I think he senses her patience is limited.

    I think Jovi may be an ok guy but he is terrible at a commited relationship with all the responsibilities and restrictions that gone with that.

    Yara needs to get out. She is a beautiful, well groomed and dressed woman but she will age as we all do and strippers in strip clubs are always young. And Yovi has needs…

  • ILikeToJustReadHere@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Wouldn’t Joey taking the regular 9-5 job stop them from being able to visit her family as often and for as long as Yara would like?

    I understand she’s gutted in the moment. But the major changes as a result of that are fairly huge. Would her quality of life improve by having Jovi stuck on a constant 9-5 versus the current setup? Is she willing to sacrifice all the benefits the current lifestyle provides just to have Jovi around more? As an example, she likely would not visit her family as much if he took the position.

    I’m curious what their current status is after all this.

  • ReachingOblivion@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    No, that’s bad advice. You knew he was this way when you married Jovi -now you stick it out. You can’t quit when things get rough. Get the therapy, give and take a little, and it will make you all the better for it.

  • FeelingHappy2006@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Don’t like her mother at all. When she was on the show she seemed to just be trying to get something from Jovi and Yara. She’s probably always tried to live her life through Yara.