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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 9th, 2023

  • We did not tell you because we were trying to protect you from the dark hole of human dumpster fire trash that is the 90df universe. We hoped you would spend your time on Ted-Talks, or podcasts, or Audibles, and I dunno, maybe you would be the person to cure cancer. Or create the next Great Gatsby. Or figure out how we will win the coming war against A.I.

    But, “welcome”!! “One of us…one of us!”

  • Love2Pug@alien.topBto90 Day FianceLoren fear mongering
    11 months ago

    It’s funny how she equates terrorism exclusively with Muslims.

    Funny but not really.

    Wanna know who isn’t beheading or bombing people because of their religion? Atheists. Sure, we have our fanatics. But our “fanatics” mostly complain on Reddit and Facebook about why our money says “In God We Trust”. Me I just translate that to “In The Fed We Trust”.

  • I understand what you say, really really.

    My disagreement is that Brandan’s mom is supposed to be the adult, and should act like it.

    I can only reference my own mother and step-mother, who while have been disappointed in the choice of partners by my sisters and brothers, have never ever failed to be anything but gracious and generous towards them. Never ever would my mother or step-mother say something like “I’m not going to bite my tongue if I see something I don’t like.” They absolutely would extend a hug their potential future daughter/son-in-law, and they would keep their private thoughts PRIVATE!!! And would have (and in fact have) continued to be a participant in their lives - because their lives spawned grandchildren.

    And anyway, his mom has fucked up sooo hard in his life, her only role at this point should be “I support you and your choices.”

  • Love2Pug@alien.topBto90 Day FianceIn Jovi's Defence
    11 months ago

    He also shouldn’t be texting his stripper friend

    He shouldn’t have ANY phone numbers of strippers in his phone now that he is married and has a child. That is soo beyond disrespectful. And especially since this is a “friend” he took on vacation 7 years ago, and hooked up with.

    Also you skipped over him lying to Yara’s face when he said he never hooked up with her. When we just saw him 5 minutes earlier in the confessional tell all of us that yes, in fact, he did hook up with her. Yara was absolutely right to wonder what might have happened had she actually shown up and taken the boys out for a night on the town.

    (EDIT: 99% chance this stripper shows up during the tell-all, assuming we get a Last Resort tell all)

    And just because Lil’Pred, Asuelu, or other emotionally / physically / financially abusive assholes / cunts exist, is NOT AN EXCUSE!!!

    Regarding Ed bringing up the texting of the stripper in front of everyone: First the Mucinex germ sucks, without doubt. But Ed quite obviously seized on this moment to get revenge on Jovi, from their prior tell-all episode where Jovi was calling Ed out for remaining in contact with Rose, and everything else that transpired between them during that filming. Ed felt attacked then, and he holds grudges. And you could seen in Ed’s smirking after making both Yara cry, he was thinking “redemption is mine!”