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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023


  • Manuel is horrible and he’s obviously only in it for her money and the green card. That said, Ashley is going to make some urologist wealthy in the very near future with that level of caffeine consumption. Dehydration has been shown to be a huge factor in causing anxiety and panic attacks, let alone the kidney stones it causes. Caffeine dehydrates you significantly and you have to drink at least 2 cups of water to make up for every cup of coffee in addition to the basic amount of water you should be drinking daily to stay hydrated. Dehydration also causes blurry vision. Ashley is whining about all these symptoms she’s having that she’s literally bringing on herself. She’s also going to start developing a whole lot more problems between the insane levels of caffeine and the dehydration that it causes. Seriously she needs to detox from her caffeine addiction and start getting enough sleep at night and actually caring about her health instead of all but taking her caffeine intravenously. If you have to juggle a minimum of 3 coffee drinks after finishing your starter coffee while driving to buy more coffee, you have a serious problem. She even said that she drinks this much coffee multiple times a day, which is utterly ridiculous and insane. I watched my father drink coffee by the thermos as a kid and he’s paying the price now as he is getting older with a number of serious health problems. He also used to whine about the side effects of his crazy level coffee habit (2 pots before work, a full thermos for the commute, and immediately to the break room coffee pot as soon as he got to work). It’s an idiotic cop out to avoid dealing with life, it wasn’t my father’s only personal problem and it doesn’t seem to be Ashley’s only problem either. The smell of coffee sets me off even well into adulthood as a result and seeing someone else who is this bad just makes me angry because of all the crap that tends to go on behind the scenes with this kind of addictive behavior. /rant over/ at least until I think about this in the context of my childhood some more lol.

  • Agreeable_Doubt_4504@alien.topBto90 Day FianceAbout Kimberly
    10 months ago

    Is the constant lying actually socially acceptable in this culture? That has bothered me from the start with both Sumit and TJ on this show. I mean Sumit lied to Jenny and lied to his parents and then tried to act like it was no big deal that he failed to mention getting married to someone else and that he lied to his parents about the nature of his relationship with Jenny and then he has continually lied to his parents telling them that he wants kids when he has made it abundantly clear that he never wants to be a father. TJ seems to be following the exact same kind of pattern. He acts like it’s no big deal that he’s lied to Kim about a long list of things. Then he actively lies to her and his mother when he’s translating between them. There was another guy from India who lied to his girlfriend and his family a couple seasons ago too and I really sympathize with Kim screaming her head off because that’s pretty close to where I’d be if I found out that someone had been lying to me left and right about pretty much everything we’d ever talked about in our relationship. All of that is serious red flag material to western women and I’m just curious if Indian women are socialized to expect that from men because it’s maddening just to watch for me.

  • Agreeable_Doubt_4504@alien.topBto90 Day FianceAbout Kimberly
    10 months ago

    She doesn’t seem like someone I’d enjoy being around, but uncontrollable rage? She let out a loud scream of frustration when he was going out of his way to belittle her. To me uncontrollable rage would be her physically attacking him, or ripping a bunch of things off of his car, or slamming a cake into his face because she was mad, and yes I’m deliberately pointing out Angela’s behavior here. It wasn’t a great look for Kim, but it also felt understandable that she was fed up with him at that point. Walking away and screaming into a pillow would have been a better approach, but he also just runs away if she isn’t actively trying to get him involved in a conversation. She wasn’t violent, in spite of the number of comments on this one talking about how many people wanted to reach through the tv and smack TJ during that scene, and she only screamed and it wasn’t even at him because she looked up and let out the scream. That doesn’t feel like someone who is out of control at all, that felt like letting off steam to avoid losing her temper and trying to continue the conversation without descending into insults and personal attacks. She threw out a well deserved mama’s boy kind of insult when he went running to his mommy to complain, I mean come on if you’re old enough to get married you’re old enough to have a disagreement without involving your mother in it. Running away yelling for his mommy was by far the more immature response out of the two of them.

  • It reminds me of a lot of what was publicized around the Gabby Petito murder. She was reacting very emotionally in front of the police officers, but it was the result of being lied to and abused in a relationship for a long time. Someone messing with your head often leads to you overreacting and having emotional outbursts. I wouldn’t say she was fully stable before getting into this marriage, but he has intentionally lied to her and put her in horrible situations.

  • Most people can’t afford this and a lot of people have one parent stay home instead of doing daycare. Others have family members watch the kids. I also live in an area where a lot of places still pay the federal minimum wage of $7.50/hour (although many have had to move into the $9-$12/hour range to attract any employees) and daycare runs about $3.50 an hour on average. A huge percentage of the population in my area qualifies for the state to pay 100% of their daycare costs, especially single parents, since wages are so low. The rest have one parent stay home, use family as sitters, or some even hire a private nanny for less than sending their kids to daycare costs.

  • That bottle of urine was BROWN!!! The urine part was bad enough, but it had been sitting around for a long time growing bacteria to turn that color. Using cow waste around your house is one of the most disgusting things I can think of, cultural/religious practice or not. If I were in Kim’s position I would have been purifying the smell out of that place with a bucket or two of garlic sautéing around the clock!

  • I was abused badly in childhood, especially by my father, and he left as I was entering my teens. The judge forced me into a therapy evaluation that was utter nonsense and that counselor both lied to me and then lied about me to the judge. The judge then pressured me to get my dad to go back to church because that would obviously solve everything and is of course always the kid’s job /s. I’m actually still religious and happily so, but that judge was utterly screwed up in his attitudes. The judge still tried to force me to go on visitation, in spite of my telling him that I was afraid for my safety and my life (with good reason because my father had tried to kill me at least 2 or 3 times with some other instances that I suspect were attempts on my/my mother’s life, but I have less objective proof). Then after me refusing to go on visitation, including “running away” to a friend’s house out of town a few times (my mom did know where I was, but I made all the arrangements) to avoid going and getting beaten or screamed at for hours or days. The courts are seriously fouled up, especially in divorce cases. They don’t want to listen to the victims at all. Frankly counseling isn’t much better in my experience and I’m completely done with the entire profession because it attracts way too many dangerous narcissists and does nothing to prevent them from doing more damage to patients.

  • “Please respect our privacy” so I can whine about this and demand attention endlessly. These two were so absolutely horrible and irritating that they didn’t even rise to the level of hate watching their segments. They are both so cringey on their own and they were exponentially worse on screen together. The people they are getting now are so awful that it’s starting to become completely unwatchable. It would be great to have cast members again who you actually cared about whether or not they worked out. It’s turning into an endless parade of people who are so awful that you almost hope they stay together out of fear that they might end up making two other people hopelessly miserable.