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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 16th, 2023


  • It’s quite possible her skin issues stem from all the crap she’s injected into her body, the implants, both boob and butt. People don’t understand how introducing injections, silicone, things that aren’t meant to be in you, can affect your health and cause serious issues.

    The house was tidy but dirty and with lots of clutter but instead of shaming him, she should have said, let’s clean and organize but she always goes for the jugular then cries when he reacts. Another thing, her dog. If you have skin issues you shouldn’t be carrying, cuddling or kissing pets. I get an allergic reaction when I pick up our cat and I immediately have to go wash or I get hives and itch.

  • JJAusten@alien.topBto90 Day FianceI’m over Jasmine
    10 months ago

    The abandonment issue she’s claiming is just another shit show, pretense, excuse, for her stupid behavior, and I don’t believe anything she says. Notice how she’s gone from no one knowing anything about her children to parading them this season and making believe she’s a good mom who married a POS so her kids can have a better life. In reality, her children’s father has custody and probably for a good reason so why the hell would he allow her to take the kids at this point? Next season she’ll be crying how she can’t bring them over and will claim to be OF as a way to forget she can’t have them. It’s all bullshit.

  • I think we have to remember that production drives the bus, and they probably plot ways for the families to come up with obscure traditions, foods, events that aren’t necessarily something they do but are gross enough to upset someone. I cannot imagine allowing anyone to bring manure and urine into my home as a blessing. It’s unsanitary and disgusting and I would have stopped them both any asked them to leave. I also couldn’t understand why the brother was always in the middle of decisions and why the husband didn’t tell his brother to stay out of their business.

  • JJAusten@alien.topBto90 Day FianceWas Mary ever in college?
    10 months ago

    This is one couple from the show where I really suspect Mary conned Branden. She fed him her sob story, or heard his first, then shared her story and saw an opportunity to have a better life or she thought it would be.

    I think she’s been so freaked out about him cheating because she’s been doing all the cheating and also losing him meant possibly losing income from him. Think about it. Why did he think it would be a good idea to send her money to build a house even before they got married unless she suggested it? She pointed out her grandparent’s house was destroyed and now they’re living with them and they’re never going to leave.

    Branden won’t have a claim to the house. He’s a foreigner who probably didn’t even bother understanding laws pertaining to ownership by a foreigner in that country, so she will get to keep it if they end up breaking up.

    He’s no angel and I think they have both seen how lucrative it can be to beg viewers online for money because there are foolish people sending them money.

    Her crying is a set up, and a way to avoid being honest. I can’t stand her or him but especially her.

  • JJAusten@alien.topBto90 Day FianceBrandan’s mom
    10 months ago

    I too was surprised she was level headed and kind to Mary. Everything she told them makes sense but like all young people you think you know more than your parents and make many mistakes that could have been avoided had you listened. The biggest mistake those two made was not using protection. They’re not capable of caring for a child.

  • JJAusten@alien.topBto90 Day FianceJasmine.... Why?
    10 months ago

    Jasmine is reactionary. She goes off like a bomb and only reflects when she’s calmed down often realizing her behavior was stupid and then she goes and apologizes to him. We’ve seen this cycle play out over and over again. Her abusive behavior would make anyone keep quiet because you know the more you deny the more convinced she is that what she’s saying is true. Angela does the same thing to Michael.

    But, I also think Jasmine has some serious mental health issues and is probably bipolar. That would explain her highs and lows her explosive behavior and calm demeanor. Unfortunately these two people are in an abusive relationship stuck in the same cycle. I’m telling you she’s going to go too far and one day something tragic will happen.

  • Others have said that it’s not her sister, but her daughter and Jasmine is lying about her age, which I agree with.

    Jasmine is garbage - so is Gino, but let me go with her first.

    Jasmine cheats, lies, is abusive, mistreats Gino both verbally and physically, and not only does she think nothing is wrong with her behavior, but she justifies it. Some of her fans, support her behavior and think she’s right.

    If Gino behaved towards her the way she does we would be up in arms because the man is being abusive. There’s a double standard here which is wrong. Why is it that no one has ever asked why she can have a relationship with her ex, go out with him, talk to him, rely on him, take money from him, but if Gino did the same, she would go cut his balls off.

    No one should be subjected to abuse and I don’t understand why he puts up with her or any of it.

    Gino, he’s been deceptive and has done some shitty things like sharing her photos which I think it’s disgusting but does he really deserve to be with someone like Jasmine?

    She’s going to bring whomever she can - and it won’t be her kids - to the US but this relationship is going up like Larissa and Colt.

  • I believe couples should share responsibility and do so equally. What you have here are two immature people who had no business getting together or having children who are stuck in a bad relationship and situation. He doesn’t want to face reality his life is crap and he made a mistake so he escapes by playing games. She hates he’s irresponsible and lazy. Instead of having a conversation and expressing what they’re feeling, he ignores her, she probably goes after him making him react, they fight, then she grabs the camera and starts talking about what he did to her without talking about her role in the argument. She’s trying to prove he’s awful and abusive by detailing what he did but it’s clearly one sided. Notice how she’s crying, well fake force crying, and looking down reading the messages people are writing lol. She’s a piece of shit and a narcissist. He needs to run as fast as he can and support his kids and ask for equal custody. The problem is where does he run to? Back to the US? He certainly shouldn’t leave the house he paid for but kicking her out means his kids will be out too. This is a mess that’s going to end in tragedy.