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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 19th, 2023


  • That was 100% necessary. People were taken aback because they didn’t see it in Mark to do that at that point. That whole sequence is Even and Mark kicking ass and saving the world.

    !I assume this is going to be in season 3. You will see that Mark did in fact learn something about himself and what he can do from his dad, and he lets a little bit of his Viltrumite out for the greater good. Eve is able to save everyone with her shield and more than pulls her weight after she is doubted. Later in the fight Mark single handedly destroys a Martian ship that is tailing them. Meanwhile on earth the left over guardians are struggling mightily against the Lizard League with Shrinking Ray dying Kate thought to be dead and Rex left for dead barely alive. This is a great juxtaposition triumph vs. failure. The show is setting all this up really well and more explicitly than the comic I think. !<

  • Really liked this episode. A lot of stuff is being set up. It’s actually more tightly written than the comic. The comic has so many loose threads remaining loose for many many issues.

    I might prefer the comics version of Atlantis just for pure entertainment value but in this episode they actually made it connect to Mark’s character development and the theme of the season.

    It was actually jarring in the comic when Mark seemed to just bounce back from nearly dying at the hands of his own father and just go on a bunch of entertaining one off adventures. However those adventures were all pretty entertaining.